10 Jun 2006 @ 12:08 PM 

If you don’t read Joe Rogan’s blog, you should. He’s got some entertaining experiences to share. The latest is a porn movie viewing. While this large group of people are watching a porno in a parking lot (only in L.A., folks), the star of the film arrives.

A car pulls into the parking lot, and the princess steps out and says hi to all her friends.

People applaud.

With her in the car, is a young guy. He looks like he’s in his early 20’s, and he doesn’t really seem like the type to be hanging around with a chick like her. Then I see his face when he looks up at the screen and sees the girl that he arrived with, and she’s got her legs behind her head like a contortionist while this rather rude gentleman is alternating shoving his cock in her ass, and then her mouth, over and over again.

Ass, mouth, ass, mouth, ass, mouth.

The guy is grunting like a gorilla, and every time he shoves it in her mouth, she’s making the otter noise.

The kid’s eyes are locked on the screen. He’s got this look in his eyes is like he really believes that his brain must be malfunctioning. Like he just can’t comprehend what he’s watching. Like as if he didn’t even know she was a porn star. His jaw drops.

After about 30 seconds of this kid standing in front of the screen, frozen in the hypnotic spell of ass, mouth, ass, mouth, ass, mouth… he turns to her asks her a question, and I hear her say, “I was gonna tell you.”


I was gonna tell you?

Suddenly, the party just exceeded my wildest expectations.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Jun 2006 @ 12:11 PM

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