19 Sep 2005 @ 7:33 PM 
  1. beer:
    I like good beer. I also like good wine, and the random nip of amaretto. Not all at once, though – that would be unwise.
  2. bruce sterling:
    Bruce Sterling has a phenomenal grasp of science and its impact on the near future. And his old cyberpunk writing was damned good too.
  3. did i mention sex:
    Um, duh?
  4. freedom:
    I spent 12 years in the army, which I hope helped in some way to defend our freedoms.
  5. learning:
    Learning is a lifelong process, but I am taking a break from formal education for a while, now that I’ve finished my BS.
  6. mountain dew:
    The nectar of the geek gods.
  7. origami:
    When in doubt, fold paper. It’s calming, and it produces something which can be either ephemeral or permanent, as you see fit.
  8. rock:
    and Roll!
  9. sigint:
    Signals Intelligence, the main realm of the intelligence spectrum I’ve been immersed in for the past 16 years. I also have a glancing familiarity with IMINT.
  10. technology:
    Me, geek?

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Sep 2005 @ 07:33 PM

Categories: Memes


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