06 Sep 2005 @ 4:19 PM 

In my email today:


hi dear,
how are you and how is your work going ?hopr its going smoothly?you know i promised to email you from our chat and right now i just wanna try to describe myself .
i think im gonna start from here cuz i dont really know how to do this ok but ill try .

Here goes my story ok.im 26/yrs old and im carol simson im white,guess you saw that in my profile huh.im 5″7 feets tall and i love guyz who are willing to show me care and love.hope you are the one im looking for?im kinda shy at first to talk to guyz and i have a set of good eyes a dark hair too.
im not an upgraed member of the yahoo personals ok.cuz ive been kinde busy with some stuffs which i believe are more important .
im a christian and i love kids alot .my parents area aloso christians and thay also love kids ,but it took them over 10 yrsbefore they had me as their only child .when i was about 5 years old ,my father died cuz he had asthma and i could remember i wept in that day .it was a tragic day i guess .
actually, my father is an american and mty mom is an african ,precisely a nigerian .after my fathers death, my mom took up the responsibility and she fedme ,cloth me and also paid my school fees .as time went on ,my mom had some problems with the US government and this made my mom leave the US for her country ,which made my mom laeve me with my paps sister in illinois.she caredabout me and really loved me soo much which was about 10 years ago .theni moved to texas about 5 months ago and i tried to get a home of my own which i got the money from my aunty and ive not finishedpaying the bills .
Some weeks later ,i got a message that my aunt was dead .then i felt it was over.
Recently i got a call from nigeria that my mom fell from the staircase and also broke her spinal cord.i had to rush down to nigeria with the little money i had left to get a ticket and flew down to africa.ok
when i got to nigeria .i gotto know that my mom had already been rushedto the hospitasl ok.i got to the doctor he explained everything to me and told me that my mom needed the attention of an orthopedist.which will cost about $500 and right now ive spent the only $200 i had to get some medication for her an dthe doctor says if shes not operated she will soon have to be on a wheelchair .and i felt it was over and not until i met you ,youve given my world a turnaround ,youve given me hope .thanks for this ok.]
i really would appreciate it if you could get me out of this mess so that we could start a new life together and live as man and wifeok cuz shes the only one i have left .im leaning on you for refuge ok. please dont let me dowm.
I wish to know more about you and would have preffered it if we could chat together but im kinda trying to treat my mom with the little i have left.
i really hope to hear from you soon and hope you are for real.
Must confess you are cool and i think we could work things out .bye love.
carol cares and will always love you


Gotta love it. I’ve never chatted with you, and I don’t think I’m ready to “live as man and wifeok” right now, but thanks for the offer.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 Sep 2005 @ 04:29 PM

Categories: Funny Stuff


Responses to this post » (5 Total)

  1. Rocket says:

    Whoever this girl/guy is…..is posing as this girl on the yahoo personals. “Carol seeking truelove” from San Angelo Texas. I tried talking to Yahoo about taking it off so we will see. I wasnt even on yahoo personals but I got an email from this girl that was really weird. Here goes:

    Hi there, I am carol simson. I got Ur Interest and message too on yahoo personals o.k. i’m not an upgraded member cuz i’m having a situation at this time. I never believed anybody wanna be with a girl like mine who’s got a fairy tale about life’s experience o.k. If U really want to meet me for real, i want U to know the problem i have and what my hard experiences about life was ok!! Please read this carefully and U’ll understand the kind of person i am and what my hard experiences about life is o.k. I was born in Maryland, Usa, and my parents were from Australia. I started my fairly tale when I was just 18 months old, i lost my mum. I didn’t growup to know who she was or who ever my mother was o.k. My father had to raise me all alone. I was the only child of the family. I also lost my dad few years ago, he had luekemia and doctors cant help. It was, when i was a kid and i lost my mum that my dad had to build a House in Maryland ok. that was where i grew up and spend most of my life time so far. I met a guy after my father’s death few months ago when i moved out to Evansville, because my father raised me never to have friends cos he had bad experience with friends when he was much more younger , and he made me stay indoor all day too. This guy i met was a german alright? He lived with me in Evansville, for over 2months , he asked if i would come over to africa to see his Uncle so we can get engaged and i can be happy after all the sorrows i’ve had I agree to go on the trip to africa with him. I saved enough to keep us confortable while we were away o.k. I had to withdraw about $18,500 i have in my account to make sure we were safe and secure while we were on this trip . So i closed up my account. But unfortunately, when we got to africa he took me to stay in a hotel, and after few weeks and days when we got here, he brought a bottle of champaigne and i think he wanted to propose marriage to me, but after i drank the champaigne i was asleep all through and when i woke up, i noticed that he had gone with all my stuff my money, my jewelries, and everything i had left out here ok. he only left me with some cloths and nothing else, I was all alone here, and he left me a note saying that he had gone over to the Ukraine, with another girl, the lady he really loved and he’s been keeping for so long when he was once in africa . Right now i’m in a hell oftrouble. I was left out here all alone with some billsto take care of at the hotel i’m staying and the hotel management won’t let me get out of here if i didn’t pay the bills ok!! It’s really crazy. I feel like killing myself ok. At the moment i have an outstanding bill of $550 here on my accomodation and just $100 for the internet services, provided for me out here o.k. the hotel manager out here seized my passport andreturn flight ticket so that i will not run away. Please i need your help to get my life back on track and start up a new life for a life time happiness I promise if U can get me out of here by helping mepay the bills to the Hotel management, i will surely make it upto U o.k. and hopefully i will accept that i have found a new life with U So it’s up to U to decide on what U wanna do with me concerning these issues Waiting to read from U soon .i am also looking for someone that can be the flesh of my flesh and the bone of my bone , one that will not just be beside me but one that can be part of me pls do tell me more about yourself maybe we can get along ine ,
    Carol Cares

  2. Steve says:

    I got a version of this letter too, a little less drastic ie…mom is just sick, not broken spinal cord. Its a shame people have to play these games…

  3. Dwight says:

    How did that work out getting her profile pulled? Does anyone have pictures of her? I have two profiles of the same girl that fit this description.

  4. Donald says:

    there are photos of her posted in the scammer database at http://www.scammerdatabase.org/indivscam.php. I searched using “Carol” in the First Name and found several listings.
    I got similar letters from her and begging even a little to help her. When I told her I found her name online as a scammer, she called me a liar and jerk and logged out.

  5. Gary says:

    I can’t believe there is an online scammer database. Amazing.

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