29 Jan 2005 @ 1:55 PM 

So, with the one gigabyte Memory Stick in my Clie, I’ve finally gotten around to ripping some DVD video to it. So far, just a Looney Tunes short, “One Froggy Evening,” but next is one of Alex’s movies. Something about Dino Thunder Thunder White Thunder Ranger Thunder Power Thunder I think.

Meanwhile, I’ve decided that a PVR(Personal Video Recorder) would be a cool thing to have, but hearing the stories about the studios reaching into machines and turning off features, I’m a bit wary of the commercial Tivo and MCE products. Then, Tivo starts adding commercials when you’re trying to skip them…

So, I’m putting together plans for a MythTV based recorder once I graduate this spring. Figure nobody gives a 34 year-old graduation presents, so I’ll get ’em for myself. 🙂

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Jan 2006 @ 09:41 PM

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Categories: Geek, Personal, Video
 29 Jan 2005 @ 8:39 AM 

I took The Music Awareness and Taste Test at OKCupid.

Steve Vai
You scored 90 awareness and 70 taste!

Oh my good God…you’re Steve Vai. Master of all things related to music itself, able to recognize a good tone at the drop of a hat. You may need to brush up a tiny bit on your taste, just to be a little more accessible. Otherwise, you rock everything.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 Feb 2005 @ 11:04 PM

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Categories: Memes
 28 Jan 2005 @ 6:46 AM 


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jan 2005 @ 06:46 AM

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Categories: Geek, Memes
 28 Jan 2005 @ 1:00 AM 

Thank you for playing. Rabbit Hole Day was a fun time for all.

We now return to our regularly scheduled surrealism.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jan 2005 @ 01:00 AM

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Categories: Site News
 27 Jan 2005 @ 8:42 PM 

Yeah, yeah, I know, “thru” isn’t really a word any more than “lite” is, but what the hell.

So I went to the drive-thru today, and it just reminded me of why the South and Texas (since they are not apparently part of the South) are so weird to my Western self. They have people manning the microphone. Now, what’s absurd is that the machines of the autochef are still doing all the work inside the Jack in the Black Box, but the people at the drive-thru get your order and then repeat it to the voice recognition program to actually place it. The “human touch” is so important, they’ll add layers of error to things just to pretend we’re still in the 19th Century.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jan 2005 @ 06:47 AM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 27 Jan 2005 @ 8:18 PM 

Standing at the vending machines…

D: I didn’t get what I wanted.

B: I hate when that happens. I pushed Dr. Pepper the other day and got Sprite.

D: No, I got what I ordered, just not what I wanted.

B: Huh?

D: They never have anything I truly want in this machine.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Jan 2005 @ 08:18 PM

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Categories: Random Thoughts
 27 Jan 2005 @ 4:16 PM 

So, at work today, I got into a fistfight with one of the GIs. I think I may not work there any more. They don’t generally like people beating on the customer, I think.

Then, I get home and find a note from my wife, telling me she left me for an insanely butch woman she met last week. WTF is that about?

Ya know

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Jan 2005 @ 04:16 PM

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Categories: Personal
 26 Jan 2005 @ 8:02 PM 

Remember, LJ Rabbit Hole Day is tomorrow, the 27th of January. In case you normally make sense on your blog, tomorrow you are not supposed to.

Be surreal.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jan 2005 @ 08:03 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff, Journal, Memes
 25 Jan 2005 @ 3:55 PM 

1. what is the total amount of music files on your computer?

Around 10000 tracks, taking up 45 gigs of space.

2. the CD you last bought is:

Five for Fighting, I think.

3. what is the song you last listened to before reading this message?

Freewill, by Rush

4. write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you:

Dandy Warhols – Pretty much anything
Siouxsie and the Banshees – cuz it’s in my CD player at work
Yellowcard – Ocean Ave – it’s on the radio nonstop
Barenaked Ladies – cuz it bugs Ang
Bach Concertos – for those less-annoying times

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Jan 2005 @ 03:55 PM

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Categories: Memes
 25 Jan 2005 @ 3:47 PM 

What year was it? 1988
What were your favorite bands or musical artists? Prince, Oingo Boingo, Big Country
What was your favorite outfit? Jeans and t-shirt
What was up with your hair? Kind of Macgyver-ish
Who were your best friends? Jason, Joey, Cynthia
Where did you work? The family janitorial business
What did you do after school? Work, read, play on the computer, eat Cool Ranch Doritos and drink Mountain Dew. Not much changed. 🙂
Did you take the bus? No school bus for my school, and I had a car (shitty as it was).
Who did you have a crush on? Jeanette, maybe? Don’t really remember.
Did you fight with your parents? Who didn’t? Ok, maybe not too much with mom.
Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? That was a long time ago.
Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack because you were too nervous to find your locker? Locker.
Did you have a ‘clique’? The Geek Crew – slacker prototypes
Did you have “The Max” like Zach, Kelly, and Slater? Hmmm…Maybe VietNorms
Admit it, were you popular? Nope, but not too many people wanted to beat me up.
Who did you want to be just like? Can’t think of anyone.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Great American Author. Or super geek with cool robotic house. Whatever.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Jan 2005 @ 03:47 PM

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Categories: Memes
 24 Jan 2005 @ 10:30 PM 

Only 1 in 6 computer users can tell the difference between a search result and an advertisement.

That’s just sad. No wonder spam won’t die – people are too dumb to *not* click the damned stuff.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 24 Jan 2005 @ 10:30 PM

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Categories: Geek
 23 Jan 2005 @ 8:20 PM 

Tonight’s culinary excursion was Galbi, a Korean barbecued rib meal. The fried rice was an unqualified success (even though I think I could have done better). The ribs, on the other hand, not so much. Oh, they taste just fine, but the Boy complained about the spiciness, and the Woman just wants ribs to have barbecue sauce on ’em in the Texan tradition. Oh, well. Nothing ventured, and all that…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 09 Feb 2005 @ 06:41 AM

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Categories: Food


 23 Jan 2005 @ 6:53 PM 

Alex and I found some great deals at Toys R Us today. He spent ten bucks and got 5 Transformers, four of which turn into a super-dude. I spent three bucks and got a Lego Star Wars Battledroid worth 40. Oh, yeah.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Sep 2007 @ 12:39 PM

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Categories: The Boy
 22 Jan 2005 @ 12:16 PM 

I would like to take a moment to point out the Robosapien has dropped in price by 20% since Christmas. This would be a fine addition to any house with a 34 year-old man and 5 year-old boy. *hint*


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2005 @ 06:03 PM

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Categories: The Boy
 20 Jan 2005 @ 4:36 PM 

Focus on the Family Attacks Spongebob Squarepants

Um, he’s a sponge. He doesn’t even have any genitalia. Why is the Far Right so obsessed with sex anyway? Must be some frigid women over there.

Anything that Dr. Dobson is afraid of is something I’ll support wholeheartedly.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jan 2005 @ 10:13 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff, Personal
 20 Jan 2005 @ 11:45 AM 

Vice President Cheney, Mr. Chief Justice, President Carter, President Bush, President Clinton, reverend clergy, distinguished guests, fellow citizens:

On this day, prescribed by law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate the durable wisdom of our Constitution, and recall the deep commitments that unite our country. I am grateful for the honor of this hour, mindful of the consequential times in which we live, and determined to fulfill the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed.
More »

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 20 Jan 2005 @ 11:48 AM

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Categories: News
 18 Jan 2005 @ 10:01 PM 

Iran’s Defense Minister says Iran can block any attack by the U.S.

bq. “We are able to say that we have strength such that no country can attack us because they do not have precise information about our military capabilities due to our ability to implement flexible strategies,” the semi-official Mehr news agency quoted Shamkhani as saying.

Um, yeah. Right. Heard of satellite imagery?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Jan 2005 @ 10:01 PM

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Categories: Military, Political
 18 Jan 2005 @ 9:51 PM 

The Economics Editor at the National Review says the U.S. deficit is shrinking.

He’s right. The deficit is shrinking. That does not mean the debt is shrinking. Deficit means, “how much more in the hole we’re going to be at the end of 2005 compared to the end of 2004.” So, good news! Last year the U.S. added an extra 413 billion (that’s 9 zeros) to your debt. This year, the fine stewards of your tax dollars only plan to add 355 billion (still 9 zeros) to the unfathomable burden we’re passing on to future generations. Great news. Fantastic.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Jan 2005 @ 09:53 PM

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Categories: Economics, Political
 18 Jan 2005 @ 6:46 AM 

Christian missionaries refuse to feed hungry.

bq. The charity is “now asking us to follow the Christian religion. We are staunch followers of Hindu religion and refused their request. And after that these people with their aid materials are leaving the village without distributing that to us,” said a villager.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Jan 2005 @ 06:47 AM

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Categories: News


 17 Jan 2005 @ 8:00 PM 

Made Chicken Cordon Bleu tonight, for the first time. I’m not a fan of asparagus, but when it’s wrapped up with Swiss cheese and ham inside a breaded chicken breast, it’s pretty much untasteable. Alex, ever adventurous with regards to food, not only ate lots of chicken (pulling the ham and asparagus out to eat first of course), but more asparagus and parmesan sauce than I had. He’s a good little piggy. All you parents who can’t get your kids to eat veggies – hah! Neener neener! 😉

It’s always nice when a culinary experiment turns out well. Next test dish is Penne with Asparagus and Pistachios. Sound unusual, and ya gotta use the asparagus before it turns to compost in the fridge. Rotten asparagus is gross, I’m tellin’ ya.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 17 Jan 2005 @ 08:00 PM

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Categories: Food

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