06 Apr 2004 @ 2:41 PM 

Stupid Iraqis

If you wanted the U.S. to leave your country, you should really stop shooting at us. Maybe that would have worked under Clinton or Bush I, but we’ve got a new cowboy in town. Think of the Sean Connery quote from the Untouchables, “If he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.” That’s the new modus operandi of the U.S., ok? Get it straight and stop getting yourselves (and our soldiers) killed. Geez.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 Apr 2004 @ 02:41 PM

Categories: News


Responses to this post » (One Total)

  1. Jim says:

    No kidding. There’s this 40 year-old moron who lives in France that lived most of his life in Iraq. He runs the website 4iraqis.com.

    He’s one of the most ardent supporters of the ‘resistance’ in Iraq who fights against the coalition troops, calling Americans baby-killers, sadists, sex-maniacs, rapists, the list goes on. His forum is currently closed for a few days as a memorial because civilian Iraqi children were recently killed in the clashes between the Iraqi fighters and the U.S in Samarra in a cleansing operation to gain the streets back from the militants, which have taken over.

    How can people be so stupid? I’ve noticed this behavior all across the Arab world. They fight against the multinational forces in Iraq, then they cry when their stupid fighters attack patrols in urban areas and get their own children and relatives killed as the U.S. returns fire. Morons.

    Those people are seriously f*cked in the head, I suppose that’s what happens when you live under dictatorship for 35 years, it stunts your capacity to reason. Being indoctrinated by Islam from birth certainly doesn’t help matters either.

    I hope Bush gets re-elected and we stop pussy-footing in Iraq. It’s time to get serious and bomb these fools into submission until their will to fight is broken. Only then will se see the beheadings stop, the faggots with head rags running through the streets with rpg’s, etc. If killing 75% of the population in the ‘sunni triangle’ is what it takes, give them a freakin’ shortcut to paradise already.

    Many (not all) Arabs deserve the hatred and the stereotyping, they’re freaking idiots.

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