As pointed out by Elizabeth, the Homosexual Agenda is largely a myth made up by homophobes. What in the world is so scary about gays? How does allowing a pair of men (who already live together monogamously) to call themselves “married” make a damned bit of difference to anyone else? The people who live upstairs I assume are married. It’s a man and woman, but if they weren’t married, that would make no difference. If they were two women, that would make no difference to me either.
Homosexual agenda. See also liberal media bias.
I still don’t understand the bias against gay marriage either. It hurts no one if two gay men, or women, wish to be marriage and receive the benefits of marriage. But our nation is still largely led by the religious right, and they’re still convinced being gay is a deliberate sin. Many of them still think being gay can be “cured” through prayer and intervention. So until those people get their heads out of their asses, this bias against gay marriage will continue to exist.
Well, the nation might be led by the religious right, but they aren’t the majority of the populace. The poll I saw on TV last night said that under-30 folks were more likely to not care about gay marriage than us older folks. Apparently the magic age of 30 makes your brain calcify.
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These gays are a threat to the institution of marriage! I know, I’ve had three of them….
Marriages, not gays.
Of course, Stu, your three marriages sort of count as one marriage done three times, no?