19 Nov 2003 @ 8:23 PM 

Interesting interview with RFK’s son, the environmental lawyer.
Save the Earth — dump Bush

Many of our laws will remain on the books in one form or another. But we’ll be Mexico, which has these wonderful, even poetic, environmental laws, but nobody knows about them and nobody complies with them because they can’t be enforced.

The National Academy of Sciences predicts that 30,000 Americans a year will die because of the Bush decision. And that’s just one of the impacts.

Another is that airborne mercury contamination has made it dangerous to eat any freshwater fish in 28 states and the fish in most of our coastal waters. And that mercury is coming from those same power plants. Fifty percent of the lakes in the Adirondacks are now sterilized from acid rain that’s coming from those same power plants.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Nov 2003 @ 08:23 PM

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Categories: Political
 19 Nov 2003 @ 6:35 AM 

Windows XP wants to know what to do with every CD you put into the drive. Even if you select, “do nothing” and “always take the selected action” it still asks you if you’ve changed your mind. For crying out loud, you handholding annoyance of an OS, stop asking me stupid fucking questions!

Here’s another one: Windows ME and Office 2000 introduced the magical self-editing menus. I grew accustomed to these items. XP got rid of the personalized start menu. Oh, it says that it personalizes the menu, but it does it differently. I don’t want to be limited to the dozen or so applications that will fit in the first column. I want to be able to go to the programs menu and see the programs I use commonly. Why is that so hard? Why must Windows become less friendly to powerusers with every iteration?

We’re only a couple generations away from getting Windows BOB – the sequel.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Nov 2003 @ 06:35 AM

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Categories: Geek
 19 Nov 2003 @ 6:29 AM 

As pointed out by Elizabeth, the Homosexual Agenda is largely a myth made up by homophobes. What in the world is so scary about gays? How does allowing a pair of men (who already live together monogamously) to call themselves “married” make a damned bit of difference to anyone else? The people who live upstairs I assume are married. It’s a man and woman, but if they weren’t married, that would make no difference. If they were two women, that would make no difference to me either.

Homosexual agenda. See also liberal media bias.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Nov 2003 @ 06:29 AM

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