16 Jun 2003 @ 8:07 AM 

According to CNN, ‘Finding Nemo’ could reach $300M in ticket sales. This is at least 20 million dollars more than The Matrix Reloaded is expected to bring in. Sweet.

I’ve seen both of them, and I think Nemo is a better movie anyhow. It even has almost as cool special effects.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Jun 2003 @ 08:07 AM

Categories: Entertainment


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    We saw Nemo last weekend, and we loved it. Great story, great animation. Why is it Disney puts so much more effort into its Pixar movies lately? The only thing I hated was, Disney does seem to have this thing about killing the mom.

    The Matrix, was a good movie, but not a great movie. I still haven’t sorted out exactly what my review of that one is.

  2. AndySocial says:

    Disney doesn’t make Pixar movies, Pixar does. And Pixar is currently beginning to wonder why they’re making the only Disney movies that make big bucks. Big contract renegotiation action lately. Apparently, Disney gets half the profits, even though they do none of the creative work, just the distribution and marketing. Not that marketing and distro aren’t important, but are they worth as much as making the movie in the first place?

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