Finally saw the much-discussed Memento last night. Wow, what a mind-twisting movie. I know the narrative style is what most people talk about, but there’s a bit more to it than just telling the story in reverse.
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In response to yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling, today is hereby declared National Blomee Day. It can also be considered National Asphuk Day. Not that this will actually encourage any sort of this behavior, but if something were to happen, it is now legal. So let’s get our freaks on, yo!
Cafepress has sent me another IP violation notice, this one even more specious than the last.
Apparently some company has trademarked the phrase “spoiled brat.” Go figure.
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According to CNN, ‘Finding Nemo’ could reach $300M in ticket sales. This is at least 20 million dollars more than The Matrix Reloaded is expected to bring in. Sweet.
I’ve seen both of them, and I think Nemo is a better movie anyhow. It even has almost as cool special effects.
Study suggests difference between female and male sexuality
It turns out that women get turned on by other women, whether they are gay or straight. Men only get turned on by people they are attracted to.
So, that proves what I’ve said all along – men are ugly furry beasts and women are sleek sexy wonderful beings. Both men and women agree.
Other people might say that it proves what women have always said – men are simple and predictable. I’m ok with that. Where’s the boobies?
House Approves Ban on Burning U.S. Flag
Gee, it requires a two-thirds majority in House and Senate, and approval by three-fourths of the state legislatures. Yeah, that’s gonna happen.
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Why does “stainless steel” not mean “rustproof” or even “rust-resistant”? Tell me.
Alex was at the sink last night, after brushing teefies, and wanted to look in the mirror for some ineffable reason. So he stood up real tall on his tiptoes and looked in the mirror. This may seem like a rather silly thing to notice, but he needed help to see the mirror just two months ago. I look at him and he’s a little boy, not a little toddler. When did that happen?
I often make jokes about my first computer (Commodore VIC-20) having less memory than my watch. I’m not sure about that, although my current geek watch likely has more than 3 kilobytes of RAM. But, now we have the LAKS Memory Watch, a standard watch with up to 256 megabytes of memory with an integrated USB cable. Wonder if that would be verböten in the SCIF…
Nurse Uses Bandaids to Silence Newborn Baby
And this is a real news story?
Rumsfeld now claims that Iran may have nuclear weapons real soon.
Of course, we’re talking soon in geological time. Rummy loves his spin control.
Hamas, Israeli officials vow to keep fighting.
OK, who’s surprised, really?
Considering the first movie was relatively coherent and straightforward, what’s up with the sequels?
I just got done watching Highlander 2 and Highlander 4 today. For whatever reason (I’ve heard it was laughably bad), Sci-Fi Channel didn’t play the third one.
In the second movie we learn that the immortals are not mysterious, that Ramirez had been keeping things from MacCleod back in the 16th Century, and that dead immortals return from the dead somehow. Also, it is implied that there have never been any other immortals on Earth until 2024. So, who were the bad guys in Movie 1?
In the fourth movie, we forget all about that alien shit, make the immortals mysterious again, throw away Ramirez entirely, and create somebody named Duncan that seems like an important person to have been omitted from the first movie. For that matter, the mother burning would have been something you’d think would have made an appearance in the first flick as well.
I think if I watch the third movie, it will just make me more confused. Did they decide to just tell four different stories with some of the same characters, but in completely different universes?
So I’m using a Peer to Peer file sharing client (rhymes with huzaa) and I notice a lot of people downloading the movie trailers I’ve got in my “videos – not movies” directory. Um, who is so quickwitted that they thought a 4-meg file was the movie “Jungle Book 2”? Seriously, folks, a full movie has to be hundreds of megs.
Your Brain Usage Profile
Auditory : 41%
Visual : 58%
Left : 66%
Right : 33%
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As the Pres gives pep talks to the troops in the Mideast, the CENTCOM Sergeant Major makes a typical old soldier faux pas.
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When I run my site through the W3 Validator, I get an error I’ve never seen before.
document type does not allow element “hr” here; missing one of “object”, “applet”, “map”, “iframe”, “button”, “ins”, “del” start-tag
So, I can’t put a horizontal rule anywhere except inside one of those tags? I absolutely never use those tags. Obviously the page renders acceptably, but why is there an error? XHTML geeks?
For that matter, why do I get an error on those HR tags, but not on others?
I got it. Turns out the editor for Movable Type automagically puts in some line breaks and paragraph marks that confused the validator. You can’t put an HR tag in a paragraph. 🙂