Just to prove my geekiness, I now have Acrobat Reader on my Clie, and I’ve put the PDF version of Atlas Shrugged on it. It makes that book much more portable. Too bad I can’t take my Clie to work any more – I need something to keep me awake there.
Anyone out there with enough CSS savvy to explain why my main page looks like crap if I don’t have a lot of entries in my weblog? If the links column is longer than the content column, the links ease into the left side. I’ve tried playing with the “height:100%” style, but that only seems to work in IE6. In Netscape/Mozilla and Opera it’s broken. I’m sure the browsers aren’t broken, but why does the code not work quite right? I’m not going to use tables like 1996 to align my page content…
Help? Anyone?
Iran arrests Al Qaeda terrorists and President Bush says he’s not impressed.
Anyone surprised?
SCO says, We own Unix!
Do Not!
Do Too!
And so it goes…
In response to my musing about what Raymond and Stallman think, Eric Raymond has posted some interesting reading.