AOL adds fees to IM feature, users jump ship. Betcha. Nobody is willing to pay for IM, no way. And why should we, when there are a half-dozen perfectly good options for free?
Admittedly, AOL is only planning to charge for such things as Yahoo’s IMVironments, but still. Yes, I know Yahoo charges extra for high-speed webcam use. I know MSN is evil. I know ICQ is virtually dead (thanks for that one, AOL – ICQ used to rock). But, AIM is number one by far, and they think that people will pay for extras. Not likely, in my opinion.
Apparently this week, in West Texas, is Skunk Suicide Season. I’ve never seen so many dead stinky animals on the road in any two-day period before! Geez.
Via an older Reverend Jim post, I came upon this disturbing food product. Star Spangled Ice Cream – Mail Order Ice Cream with a Conservative Flavor $76 for a gallon of ice cream delivered to your door. And you can get Iraqi Road too!