21 Apr 2003 @ 6:43 PM 

Anyone who has children has naked pictures of their kids. They tend to tear off their clothing for no apparent reason when they are young, and they are cute as heck, right? So, if you were to get these pictures developed, would you expect to be arrested? Neither did Jacqueline Mercado.

An excerpt:

Their most pressing problem was the breast-feeding picture, which the indictment characterized as sexual, “to wit; actual lewd exhibition of…a portion of the female breast below the top of the areola, and the said defendant did and then employ, authorize and induce Rodrigo Fernandez, a child younger than 18 years of age [1 year old, E.M.], to engage in said sexual conduct and sexual performance.” In other words, says Chatham, the act of simulated breast-feeding, captured on film, was being portrayed as a sex act. “They’re saying the guy who took the picture is a sicko and wanted a photo of this to satisfy his sexual desire.”

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Apr 2003 @ 06:43 PM

Categories: News


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    This is just hideous. Absolute garbage. For one, there is a huge cultural difference here. America is WAY uptight about nudity and sex, even though we routinely use both to sell items as common as vacuum cleaners and socks. People in the rest of the world see nothing wrong with the human form exposed in the nude. Which is as it should be.
    For two, I suppose the police will be on my door next ?? I have naked pictures of my daughter, and I breast fed her. Since when are these things “lewd acts”????
    It’s nice to know there’s still some areas of our great nation living in the dark ages.

  2. AndySocial says:

    Alex likes to play with my digital camera. He takes pictures of himself that would, if of an adult, be truly lewd. He decided one day to sit naked in the living room, and aim the camera at himself at waist level. I suppose possessing those images makes me a pedophile. yeah, right.

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