03 Apr 2003 @ 8:20 PM 

I think it would be hard to find a less clued-in politician than Tom Watson. He uses the phrase “l33t hax0rs” on his site, and he’s a British Member of Parliament. Yeah, very authentic. He won’t harsh your buzz, if you drop him a line on the Interwebnet, though. Ouch, brain hurts.

Thanks to BoingBoing.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Apr 2003 @ 08:20 PM

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 03 Apr 2003 @ 6:21 AM 

These two articles show the schizophrenia in the music industry: Linkin Park is #1 and Radiohead bitches about piracy.

Having looked at the alt.binaries.sounds.mp3 newsgroups lately, I noticed that the Linkin Park album (Meteora) was pirated long ago and posted about 10 times in the past 3 weeks. The Radiohead album (Hail to the Thief) was also pirated a while ago and has been posted a few times (not as much as Meteora though). Now, Linkin Park is even after being pirated and copied weeks earlier, yet Radiohead thinks the piracy is going to hurt them somehow? Going back in time, the last two Radiohead albums were extensively pirated, yet debuted in the top two spots on the Billboard charts. So, where exactly was the damage?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Apr 2003 @ 06:21 AM

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