10 Apr 2003 @ 8:16 PM 

Twice this week, the local radio station (one of those execrable Best of the 80s 90s and Today mutants) has played a song which is a cover of some 80s song that I never seem to remember until I get into work to write it down. This is one of those reasons why I wish I could bring my Clie to work in the secure facility – it has a voice recorder for these things.

Anyway, it sounds to me like Lisa Loeb is singing, and it’s a song from Erasure or some band from that era. Something that would have been on KROQ in 1986, for those that are from that particular milieu. Any help?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Apr 2003 @ 08:16 PM

Categories: Entertainment


Responses to this post » (5 Total)

  1. Kit says:

    Do you not remember any snippet of the lyrics? Usually a lyrics search is how I find these things out.

  2. gringo says:

    I listened to KROQ from about 1976 until sometime in the eighties, when groups like X and Sex Pistols were blasted around Wendy O Williams and The B-52’s. Warm Leatherette and Jet Boy Jet Girl were all the rage. DJ “Dusty Streets” actually begged a friend of mine to play a demo of the group that I was in, funny that. He couldn’t get ahold of me, so it was never played.

    Anyway, I still have all of my X tapes, and some Plimsouls and The Motels, and Romeo Void, and all of that stuff I grew up with.

    Give me a hint?

  3. lysa says:

    You sure it’s not Tori Amos? She’s fond of covering songs she shouldn’t….like when she covered Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. :-/

  4. AndySocial says:

    Apparently it’s Sixpence None the Richer, covering Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream It’s Over.” Finally remembered the lyrics long enough to get them written down.

  5. lysa says:

    Ahhh, how funny, I was going to suggest them, but I didn’t think they’d done any covers.

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