18 Nov 2002 @ 9:07 PM 

I have no idea when I’ll get to the backlogged Userpic requests I have right now. While trying to get a crossover connection working, I somehow borked my dialup connection. No matter how much uninstalling, reinstalling, and safe mode nonsense I do, the damned thing fails to function.

Get this, the network connection seems to work, and the DNS servers are found, a decent IP address assigned. But, not a single internet application works, not even ping or nslookup. The programs that give an error message with any info at all indicate that the programs are unable to create sockets or allocate sockets. This helps me in no way at all. I tried uninstalling every network item, which even removed the network neighborhood icon. Then, I rebooted into safe mode to remove even the vestiges of winsock. Well, I’ve got Windows ME, so I can’t boot to a command line and the files are locked and “in use” even on a system with no networking setup. Go figure.

Anyone have a handle on this? Anyone?


After trying the “remove winsock2” trick in regedit, unsuccessfully, I ended up just installing WinME over itself. All better. Stupid system that breaks itself…
current_mood: frustrated

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Nov 2002 @ 09:07 PM

Categories: Geek


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Fredderick Bloggs says:

    Why use Windows?????? Upgrade to Linux it is much better

  2. Gary says:

    Wow, you sure did find an old post to comment on. Just trolling through Google or what?

    Anyway, I’m using a wifi card that I couldn’t get to work in Linux last time I tried, and I am more interested in getting things *done* than in proving I’m a super-geek.

    I did run Linux as my primary OS for a year. I’m not anti-Unix. I just happen to not have the time to get Linux working and there aren’t enough programs that I want on it. When Macromedia and Adobe port their suites to Linux, I’m all over it.

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