22 Nov 2002 @ 1:42 PM 

After consultation with , here’s an alternate Friday Five. You can choose whether the questions apply to holiday gifts or sexual favors…

  1. What would you most like to get this year?
  2. What would you least like to get?
  3. What’s the best you have had in the past?
  4. What’s the strangest?
  5. What is the best you gave?


Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 22 Nov 2002 @ 01:42 PM

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Categories: Friday Five
 22 Nov 2002 @ 12:15 PM 

This article just made me feel so much for Mr. Ralsky. He’s made millions on spam, and yet he feels so harassed by the public that he hides his address and phone number, working from cell phones and unlisted numbers to remain anonymous. He talks of “covering his tracks” and is unapologetic about his earlier convictions for fraud. Dude, if your business resembles the Sopranos in many details, perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 22 Nov 2002 @ 12:15 PM

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Categories: Geek
 22 Nov 2002 @ 11:16 AM 

There are many impatient people in the world, it seems. I just got an IM out of the blue from a complete stranger. I responded with a single word greeting, then went back to work (I am at work after all).

A few seconds later I notice a message on my screen telling me I’m rude for ignoring people. Well, excuse me for not responding in three seconds to a complete stranger who is not even saying anything beyond “Hello” and shit. That makes as much sense as telemarketers getting mad because I don’t pick up the phone. Just because I have Trillian running doesn’t mean I’m required to answer people in under 5 seconds. Get a life.
current_music: The incessant dings and bells from a coworker’s computer
current_mood: annoyed

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 22 Nov 2002 @ 11:16 AM

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