I don’t know why kids (and they are invariably 12-15) want to butcher the language to the point of incomprehensibility. I know when I was in school, we would use single letters or numerals in place of words, and so on. But it’s gotten so far out of hand now I can’t even begin to decipher some of the crap showing up on Livejournal.
Here’s a partial list:
I’m only hitting a few of the highlights, obviously. What is really interesting to me is that, because I learned to type at the age of 10, my handwriting sucks ass. But, when I type I am anal about going back and fixing errors. The more you type, the faster you type, and so the less useful those absurd abbreviations become.
But, I’m old so what do I know?
Dude lyk im gunna pwn u!! Im so 1337 man~~! Only n00bs h4t3 ch4t speek!!
I”m from Polend….:-)