16 Aug 2002 @ 2:24 PM 

In 1994, the advertising agency Chiat/Day launched a program called the Virtual Office, where the employees didn’t get a desk and chair of their own, but had to find an open seat when they came to work and log on. The theory that Jay Chiat had was that this would encourage his ad execs to be on the move, and the office paradigm was outdated and useless. With cellular phones and portable computers, who really needed an office anyhow?

He was wrong. In 1998, the virtual office experiment was abandoned and Chiat/Day moved back into a normal office. Nobody liked the hunt for a desk, it became a big joke among the other ad agencies, and they finally gave up on making people do things that were unnatural.

Now, Scott McNealy of Sun has a similar idea, named iWork. Using smart terminals with server-based programs and data storage, McNealy expects to double the number of people per office. Wonder if he ever reads Wired or AdAge?
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Aug 2002 @ 02:24 PM

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 16 Aug 2002 @ 1:11 PM 

According to this article, the recently uncovered SSL vulnerability in Internet Explorer is actually a bug in every Windows Operating system.

Microsoft officials said it makes sense for the operating system to provide cryptographic services to any application that needs it, instead of each application having to include its own cryptographic technology.

But Culp said that the SSL flaw doesn’t affect any other application outside Internet Explorer and that it’s a client-side issue only.

Sooooo, if the only program that uses the crypto functions is IE, why are the functions not part of the browser again? Please explain this to my poor confused brain…
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Aug 2002 @ 01:11 PM

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