03 Aug 2002 @ 8:29 AM 

Hey, I wasn’t really near a computer most of Friday. 🙂

  1. What is your lineage and where are your ancestors from? Fuck if I know for sure, but the name came from Britain and my mom’s side came from Poland, Norway and Germany.
  2. Of those countries, which would you most like to visit? If I could only choose one, UK.
  3. Which would you least like to visit? I think I could do without Poland.
  4. Do you do anything during the year to celebrate or recognize your heritage? After 360+ years in North America, my family heritage is being a U.S. citizen.
  5. Who were the first ancestors to move to your present country? I’m still researching precisely, but it was in 1640 or 1643.

Total American mutt heritage. One of my aunts claims we’ve got a lot of freaky stuff hiding in the woodpile, including some Native American and black relatives back through the ages. I’m reasonably sure that no Bunker had slaves, though, since we settled in New England as poor people to begin with.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Aug 2002 @ 08:29 AM

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