Strange how different technologies can change how you approach daily life. I have a high-speed, always-on internet connection at home. So, I don’t get the paper and rarely watch TV news at home.
When I need a phone number, if it’s local I’ll grab my phone book. If it’s anywhere else, I just open Infospace or Yahoo and find it.
TV guide? Don’t need it, got Gist instead.
When asked what time the mall opens, my first instinct was to jump online to see their website. Everyone has a website, right? That’s where I run into problems living here in BFE: not every major company HAS a site. It’s inconceivable!
When I was running Linux fulltime, I didn’t even have to “check” my email: it was downloaded in the background every 5 minutes. Then, the little Gkrellm program showed me who had sent me the mail before I even had to open an email program to see.
Using a dialup connection now seems so quaint.
current_mood: bored