The answer, apparently, is ratings. All my coworkers are crowded around the lone TV in the office, watching CNN’s live coverage of the death and destruction.
Some things that cheer me, to some degree – the targets so far have all been military, not infrastructure. Also, we’ve only lost two US servicemembers to hostile fire and less than a dozen total so far.
Let’s get this over with and then follow through on our promise of humanitarian aid and infrastructure construction.
Supposedly, we’ve seized all of Iraq’s government assets with the intention of saving them for the Iraqi people when we finish kicking out the regime. Huh….I wonder what percentage Bush will keep, for “costs” or something.
Oh, and as to the coverage….I’m just getting the biggest kick out of the reporters diving for their gas masks everytime the sirens go off….and of all the Iraqi soldiers and civilians walking up the road with their white flags turning themselves over to our troops. NICE level of support Saddam has over there, eh? 🙂
I liked the soldiers turning themselves in to the journalists the best. They say those bombs and said screw this. That asshole isn’t even feeding us pn a regular basis. I bet! 🙂
I totally do not agree with any of this crap!
saw not say