16 Mar 2003 @ 8:16 AM 

Charlie Daniels has a “soapbox” article up, which is an open letter to his entertainment compatriots. He takes them to task for, among other things, offering aid and comfort to the enemy. Fun read.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 16 Mar 2003 @ 08:16 AM

Categories: News


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Ms. Thang says:

    “Why you bunch of pitiful, hypocritical, idiotic, spoiled mugwumps. get your head out of the sand and smell the Trade Towers burning. Do you think that a trip to Iraq by Sean Penn did anything but encourage a wanton murderer to think that the people of the U.S.A. didn?t have the nerve or the guts to fight him?”

    Idiots like this believe and encourage error prone thought that leads us to condemn Hussein, when he’s never been anywhere near the trade towers, much less involved in ‘bombing’ them. Where the hell do these people come up with this drivel? Hua hua hua.

  2. lysa says:

    You know, I’d be more impressed by his stance, if it weren’t for the fact that the anti-American sentiment that he refers to at one point is directly caused by America sending troops into conflicts where they weren’t necessarily requested. This isn’t self-defense, this is meddling. We do that a lot. Sure, we go into war-torn countries that have ASKED for our help, and try to straighten things out, but then we only push so far, and then leave them to finish it alone, leaving vulnerable countries open to dictatorships, famine and more. Can anyone say “Vietnam”? “Korea”? How’s Bosnia doing these days, after Americans spent so many months all up in arms about the plight of Bosnian children?
    Maybe America would be more popular if they waited for an invitation, then actually did the job right.

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