02 Jun 2011 @ 12:22 PM 

Hey, Kindle users, I have a question for you. The Kindle has this cool feature where you can email things to it (either paid over 3G or free over WiFi). Do you use that feature much, if at all?

This is part of my continuing curiosity about all things ebook, and it seems that Amazon is the only one with an email address the user can shoot things to. With all the reviews for the new touch Nook this week, it just made me wonder if this is a feature that few people would even miss, or if it’s something really important.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Aug 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Categories: asides, Geek, Literary


Responses to this post » (4 Total)

  1. Eric Hansen says:

    Nope. Don’t use it. I received a Kindle as part of my CISSP training, and honestly even though a pal loaded me up with tons of free books (good sci-fi stuff of course), I usually only fire it up while traveling… and usually then only if there’s nothing of interest in-print in the room during those times when casual reading normally takes place.

    The same thing actually happened to my Viewsonic Pocket PC – I ‘had to have it,’ got a smokin’ deal on it, enjoyed playing with it for a few hours, then lost interest and stuffed it in the laptop travel bag… never again to see the light of day unless it was playing MP3s and Solitaire on the plane.

    • Gary says:

      I used my Clie PDA all the time when I was working outside a SCIF and traveled frequently. Since I came back to GAFB, it sat in the cradle and slowly became a tiny little desk sculpture.

      The Kindle, which I avoided becoming an early adopter for, has been a neat purchase for me, since I actually had a lot of ebooks formatted for that old PalmOS device, which Calibre took care of for me.

      The email thing is one of those things that people either use all the time or can’t understand why it exists at all. I have noticed that almost no reviews ever mention it, even though it appears to be a feature that exists solely on the Kindle. Nobody else copied it. Weird.

  2. Diane McWilliams says:

    I have 2 Kindles and apps on various devices, I actually need to use it if I want to read a converted nook book-my daughter keeps giving me Barnes & Noble gift cards – on more than one device. I would think that would benefit you too.

    • Gary says:

      I never get B&N ebooks, but I use Calibre to convert all my ebooks between formats. Besides old .LIT format books and .PRC formats, I also had a lot of old Project Gutenberg books. Now they can all be read on my Kindle, Alex’s Kindle, or Kat’s Nook (relatively recent purchase).

      I use the email function every day to send blogs to my Kindle. Even if I don’t read them every day on the device, it’s nice to have new content all the time. And, emailing books from Calibre rather than hooking up a cable is very convenient.

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