23 Feb 2010 @ 1:50 PM 

After many years of being mocked by anyone with a modicum of understanding in medicine or science or reproducible results, homeopathy has been slammed by an actual governmental study in the UK.  I particularly like the line refuting the necessity to fund “traditional” medicine: “Witchcraft is traditional, so does that mean the MHRA should endorse that too?”

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Feb 2010 @ 01:51 PM

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 11 Feb 2010 @ 6:47 AM 

I understand supply and demand, and what the market will bear, blah blah blah, but this is entertaining.

Yesterday, Newegg began selling a new gaming laptop, the Asus G73. When Gizmodo and other sites posted it at 8am or so with a claimed price of $1430, the price was $1449 at Newegg. Later in the morning, the sites that blogged about it mentioned the price as $1499.  When I got home, I showed it to my wife, explaining that it was nigh impossible to build a gaming desktop with the same specs for less than the $1500 they were asking. But, when I pulled up the listing, it was $1599.  This morning, just out of curiousity, I looked again – $1549.

There can’t be this much demand and supply change in one 24 hour period, can there? This is like watching Apple stock whenever Steve Jobs speaks.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Feb 2010 @ 06:52 AM

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Categories: Geek
 05 Feb 2010 @ 12:00 PM 

Apparently the opening speaker of the Tea Party Convention is openly courting racists. Tom Tancredo, who is cuckoo for illegal aliens, started off the proceedings by claiming that President Obama was only elected because people who can’t say “vote” in English elected him. Wow, we must have an awful lot of non-English speakers in the USA, to have over 50% of the vote like that. And then he appeals to people to take back America from “them” – whoever they might be.

I find it interesting that all of Tancredo’s grandparents were immigrants (legal presumably) and yet he’s still so unabashedly xenophobic in his rhetoric. Just for full disclosure, my father’s family immigrated to this continent before the USA was founded (by over a century), and I somehow was capable of pronouncing the word “vote” and casting it for Obama.

Oh, and real socialists most assuredly do not consider this president one of them. At this point, many liberals are saying he’s not even one of them.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Feb 2010 @ 12:00 PM

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Categories: News, Political, Stupid People
 02 Feb 2010 @ 6:03 AM 

We watched Micheal Buble on SNL this weekend, and it’s the first time I’d ever heard him.  Considering that he’s sold millions of records and continues to be in the top 20 Billboard album chart, you’d think we’d have heard him before.  And now that we have, I have to say… I don’t get it. Is “lounge singer” a new hotness? This guy makes Bryan Adams look like he’s got a lot of soul.  To be fair, unlike some singers who perform on SNL, at least he did stay on key. So there’s that.  Zzzzzz….

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Feb 2010 @ 06:03 AM

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