11 Feb 2010 @ 6:47 AM 

I understand supply and demand, and what the market will bear, blah blah blah, but this is entertaining.

Yesterday, Newegg began selling a new gaming laptop, the Asus G73. When Gizmodo and other sites posted it at 8am or so with a claimed price of $1430, the price was $1449 at Newegg. Later in the morning, the sites that blogged about it mentioned the price as $1499.  When I got home, I showed it to my wife, explaining that it was nigh impossible to build a gaming desktop with the same specs for less than the $1500 they were asking. But, when I pulled up the listing, it was $1599.  This morning, just out of curiousity, I looked again – $1549.

There can’t be this much demand and supply change in one 24 hour period, can there? This is like watching Apple stock whenever Steve Jobs speaks.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 11 Feb 2010 @ 06:52 AM

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