31 Dec 2009 @ 11:59 PM 

2010. The year we make contact. Or not. Let’s see if I can beat 80% accuracy in this year’s predictions.

  1. Tablet PCs will continue to be something which almost nobody has heard of or cares about.
  2. President Obama will continue to be vilified by the Right as some sort of mythical evil being.
  3. The GOP will make some gains in the 2010 midterm elections.
  4. The US economy will improve enough that even people who watch Faux News have to admit it, although they will claim it’s improving despite anything that President Obama or the Democrats have done.
  5. There still won’t be a good crypto system that the public uses, despite ever-increasing threats from man-in-the-middle attacks.
  6. All the various ebook readers will continue to be incompatible with each other.
  7. Sarah Palin won’t go away.
  8. TSA flight restrictions will cause the airline industry to lose money.
  9. And, of course, the weather will continue to be remarkable, which will still not mean anything to denialists.
  10. Kat and I will still not fight.

I know, many predictions are just “things won’t change” – but they should change, and I’ll be happy if I’m wrong about them. We’ll see how that goes.

Apple Blue Beer

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Dec 2009 @ 07:06 PM

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Categories: Random Thoughts


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  1. […] year, I made a set of predictions for 2010. Let’s see how badly I did this […]

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