One year ago, I made a series of 10 predictions for the new year. Let’s see how I did.
- The right wing noise machine did find new and interesting ways to make themselves look silly while calling the new president a socialist, a communist, a nazi, and a racist – all at the same time. If President Obama were on fire, the GOP would call fire departments a socialist plot, as John Scalzi wrote this week.
- Windows 7 did not save the computer industry.
- Netbooks were a bit easier to find than I feared, so there’s one point against me. To be fair, the good netbooks were harder to get hold of, so maybe half a point.
- Yep, suck.
- No single sign-on system of any note, although Facebook is getting a lot of headway into “sign in with Facebook” on various sites. Maybe we’ll count this as half and half.
- No crypto.
- DTV changeover was, although delayed yet again until June of 2009, not a crazy display of incompetence and weeping and gnashing of teeth. Got this one wrong.
- Politicians continued to line their pockets by picking ours, and gave as much largesse to their corporate overlords as possible. Sadly, I got this one right.
- Weather was much remarked upon. Denialists continued to deny reality. Climatologists turned out to sometimes be jerks, but that overshadowed that the science continues to be reinforced with evidence.
- Kit dropped me from her “LJ Friends” list after 9 years (no idea why), so I have no idea how amusing she is.
Let’s see, that gives me 6 of 10 completely right, 2 partly right, one completely wrong, and one I can no longer assess, so I can’t use it for any statistics. We’ll call it 7-2 or 78% accurate. I’m sure that beats all the “psychics” out there. Now, what shall I predict for 2010? Stay tuned.