03 Feb 2009 @ 7:41 AM 

You know how the right-wing pundits have been crying about the stimulus package including too much money for poor people? Compassionate conservative my…

Anyway, those same pundits have been crying about the President’s budget proposal containing a 10% reduction in the defense budget. The proposal is for 527 billion dollars, which is actually the exact same number that former President Bush had projected for 2010. If you look at the numbers, this represents an increase in the military budget from 2009 of over 30 billion dollars. Somehow, the wingers didn’t notice the actual real-life decrease in defense spending from 2006 through 2008, yet they have invented a decrease for 2010 that doesn’t exist in any logical way. Oh, and by the way, we still spend almost as much on our military as the entire rest of the planet combined. I doubt anyone will think we’ve become weak and vulnerable any time soon.

As I may have said before, think for yourself and never believe pundits without research.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 03 Feb 2009 @ 07:42 AM

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