15 Jul 2007 @ 4:43 PM 

And, now I’ve gotten the N770 to post on my main site, too. Geek Power!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Jul 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Categories: Geek, Linux


Responses to this post » (6 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    And what, pray tell is that? Or is this another one of those “dust off the little used LJ password and read that blog” sort of things? 🙂

    PS: is it possible to run an RSS feed from an MT blog to MySpace?

  2. Gary says:

    Nokia N770. My new toy. And, yes, I did post about it on LJ previously, because I couldn’t get my admin area for WordPress to load on its tiny little browser. It even allows me to do voice posts from anywhere that has a wifi connection. 🙂

    You want to automatically post to both MySpace and MT? No such tool exists. There are some tools to put any arbitrary RSS feed into a Myspace profile page, but they all seem to rely on someone else’s server staying alive.

  3. lysa says:

    Okay, your Geek Cred is improved, after not even having a cell phone or laptop when you were out.

    So, any idea how to get Mozilla’s ScribeFire to work with an MT blog?

  4. Gary says:

    Um, point it at http://lysa.andysocial.com/cgi-bin//mt-xmlrpc.cgi and use your MT username and password?

  5. lysa says:

    Hah hah smart ass. Like I didn’t already do that very thing. Five times. I’m talking about making that ACTUALLY work, instead of repeatedly telling me it’s unable to log on. }-P Geesh, you’re as much help as Mozilla’s supposed help forums. 🙂

  6. Gary says:

    Well, the most likely issue is that our host has turned off access to that file, which is a common thing to do (security gibberish). Sadly, our host hasn’t replied to a tech support query for about six months now.

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