Gloom, despair and repeats on me. Deep dark reruns, excessive reality (shows). If it weren’t for Stargate, I’d have no shows at all. Gloom, despair and repeats on me.
Alex gets a billion new shows on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon showing up on the DVR, while I get…a few episodes of That 70s Show that I missed years ago, and some old Stargate episodes. Hell, I can’t even count on Battlestar Galactica to make the summer “oh hell it’s hot” TV schedule better – it’s supposed to return in October. Thankfully the Dead Zone and 4400 are coming back soon, but what are they running, 10 or 12 episodes? *sigh*
It’s funny, during the regular season, I usually end up with one favorite show every night of the week I religiously watch. This gets exhausting after a few months, and I relish the end of the TV season…. for about a week. Then the relentless parade of reruns and old movies from the 80’s starts to take its toll, and I’m frantic for fresh TV. Thank the teevee gods for USA Network! Besides the usual USA lineup (Monk starts up again in July, do you watch that one?) that new show “Psyche” looks pretty amusing.
DVR. I don’t have a show each night of the week – I’ve got shows whenever I feel like watching them. 🙂
I don’t watch Monk, but USA (and the other channels associated with them) seem to have a lot of shows each summer.