05 Aug 2005 @ 8:06 PM 

From the Alt Friday 5:

1. Have you ever quit a job? Tell us a little about it. Well, I quit the family business to join the army and quit the army after twelve years. Not really the usual definition of quitting, are they?

2. Have you ever been fired? Tell us a little about it. Nope.

3. Have you ever been bought as part of a merger or takeover? Tell us a little about it. Twice. TRW was bought by Northrup Grumman and pretty much nothing changed. CTI was bought by MTC, and they took away our snacks and sodas; we’ve been waiting eight months for the stock sale money to show up. Yay.

4. Of all the jobs you’ve had, which job were you saddest to leave? Why? Never really been sad to leave a job, but I was most ambivalent about leaving TRW/NGMS – they were willing to pay me a lot of money to be just barely competent, because most other employees were actively incompetent.

5. Of all the jobs you’ve had, which job were you happiest to leave? Why? The army. No more involuntary trips to Korea, no more wearing face paint, no more living in a tent for weeks. Oh, yeah. Glad to be done with that.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Aug 2005 @ 08:06 PM

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