04 Aug 2005 @ 7:15 PM 

This article neglects to mention facts contrary to this quote:

bq. “This (Foo Fighters) CD has a copy protection scheme that makes it totally useless to 30 million iPod owners,” wrote C. Anderson of Plano, Texas on Amazon.com’s customer review link.

You know, the fact that it takes about three minutes to break the copy protection on the latest Foo Fighters disk.

So, not only do they piss off millions of customers who can’t play their Foo Fighters in their iPods, they don’t actually stop the distribution of the music on the internet to begin with. What an amazingly savvy marketing move.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Aug 2005 @ 07:15 PM

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Categories: Entertainment, Geek
 04 Aug 2005 @ 10:12 AM 

Adjectives on the typewriter
He moves his words like a prize fighter
The frenzied pace of the mind inside the cell

The man on the street might just as well
The man on the street might just as well
The man on the street might just as well be
Outside, outside the walls

But the steel eye, tight jaw
Out where you don’t hear the echoes and calls
Say it all, say it all
But the white paint, plastic saints
Say it all, say it all, say it all,
Say somebody’s got to say it all
Say it all, say it all, say it all
I said somebody has got to say it all

My heart can’t forget about this self-defense
I’m so nervous, I’m so tense
I thumb the cool blade but I know this can’t last
And the air is so hot and my breath comes fast
I thumb the cool blade but I know this can’t last
Outside, outside the walls

But the steel eye, tight jaw
Say it all, say it all
Out where you don’t hear the echoes and calls
Say it all, say it all, say it all,
Somebody’s got to say it all Say it all, say it all, say it all
But the white paint, plastic saints
Say somebody’s got to say it all

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Aug 2005 @ 10:12 AM

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