29 May 2005 @ 11:20 PM 

Nine Inch Nails Drop Out Of MTV Movie Awards Over Bush Dispute

bq. “While we respect Nine Inch Nails’ point of view, we were uncomfortable with their performance being built around a partisan political statement. When we discussed our discomfort with the band, their choice was to unfortunately pull out of the Movie Awards.”

What I find amazing about this is that MTV can, without any hint of irony, refer to a simple photograph of the President of this country as “a partisan political statement.” What does that say about the bizarre extremism that has gripped our public speech, when a photo of our leader is considered partisan?

Trent Reznor made this post on his site, NIN:

bq. Nine Inch Nails will not be performing at the MTV Movie Awards as previously announced. We were set to perform ‘The Hand That Feeds’ with an unmolested, straightforward image of George W. Bush as the backdrop. Apparently, the image of our president is as offensive to MTV as it is to me. See you on tour this fall when we return to play in America.

I guess MTV doesn’t trust their viewers to have opinions that aren’t spoonfed to them. If it’s not approved by AOL Time Warner Viacom Twentieth Century Paramount, it’s not a viable point of view. And, more importantly, the American people are apparently so stupid that they can’t decide what parts of a performance to pay attention to and which to ignore. I’m sure there are plenty of Republicans who like NIN, just as there are a number of Democrats who do. Who freakin’ cares what political party you belong to when you’re watching the MTV Video Music Awards escapes me, though.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 May 2005 @ 11:23 PM

Categories: Entertainment, News


Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. Lysa says:

    I loudly applaud NIN’s decision. I think it speaks to the nation’s paranoia that a simple picture of the president could be considered so inflammatory.

  2. janice says:

    he is a motherfucker

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