Important news for fellow BSG geeks. Now, to figure out how they’ll resolve those cliffhangers the first season ends with… Let the wild speculation and fanfic begin!
Silly “where have you lived (not just visited)” meme…
La Puerta de Santa Maria, Cadiz, Spain
Long Beach, CA
Hayward, CA
Detroit Lakes, MN
Frazee, MN
Stockton, MN
Bellflower, CA
Anaheim, CA
Monterey, CA
San Angelo, TX
Ayer, MA
Tokori, DongDuCheon, Korea
Monterey again
Anjungri, PyongTaek, Korea
Tacoma, WA
Anjungri again
Monterey again
San Angelo again
Sierra Vista, AZ
San Angelo yet again
I purposely omitted Fort Leonard Wood, MO – where I had Basic Training – because that ain’t livin’. Eight weeks of bizarre hours and irritating Drill Sergeants. Yay.
Finished downloading the BitTorrent of Eyes on the Prize this weekend, and just got around to looking at moving it to a DVD to watch on TV. I guess I should make that two DVDs – it’s over three hours long. Wow.
The genesis of the recent civil uprising against copyright law is interesting to me; too bad it hasn’t made any impact at all on the wholly owned subsidiary of the entertainment industry we call the U.S. Congress. Why in the world does it make sense for a movie to be considered legitimate for 20 years, and then suddenly it’s breaking the law? What twisted mentality takes “the most important civil rights film” and turns it into something that school children are not allowed to view without someone bootlegging it? It’s messed up.
Recently, a group of civil rights leaders posted an open letter supporting this civil disobedience masquerading as piracy. I find it disheartening that the estate of Martin Luther King, Jr is among those who object to distributing this movie. Way to honor his memory, guys.
Free your mind.