06 Oct 2004 @ 6:45 AM 

The VP debate wasn’t as intense as the Presidential debate last week, but it was decent enough. Considering it preempted everything else, it was hard to miss.

I was surprised by both candidates performance last night. Cheney actually seemed sane and reasonable, a feat he doesn’t seem capable of on the campaign trail. Edwards, for his first debate ever, turned in a good performance as well. Of course, since he’s had lots of practice in court rooms, I’d expect him to be a decent orator and quick to respond to questions. But, he didn’t let Cheney rattle him, which might be difficult considering some of the personal attacks the VP slid into the debate while sounding reasonable.

Both of them made good points, and I don’t think this debate really ended up with one of them as the clear winner. Edwards spent too much time belaboring Halliburton, but then it is an enormous scandal – or would be if the media actually spent any time at all doing a decent analysis of the whole mess. Cheney, for his part, didn’t beat any one horse which may end up making Edwards’s speaking more memorable to the public. We’ll see.

Regardless, the VP debate doesn’t really make much difference, unless you have a narcoleptic admiral on the podium.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 06 Oct 2004 @ 06:45 AM

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Categories: Political
 05 Oct 2004 @ 8:43 AM 

SecDef Rumsfeld says his statement has been misunderstood to mean that Iraq and al Qaeda did not have any links. What might that statement have been? Well, let’s see…

“To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two.”

Gee, where would someone get the idea that he said there was no evidence of a link between them? That’s such an ambiguous statement, I can see how he might be misunderstood. Much as when the President said the war on terra is unwinnable. Very confusing statements – it’s a good thing they came back later to contradict themselves, isn’t it?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 05 Oct 2004 @ 08:43 AM

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 01 Oct 2004 @ 6:58 AM 

OK, maybe not fun. Easy to make fun of?

I don’t know how many times the “deer in the headlights” look appeared on the President’s face last night, but it was quite a few. I’ve never seen someone founder so badly while groping for an answer.

I like the way Bush was able to turn every question about Afghanistan into an answer about Iraq. “The enemy attacked us, so we took the fight to them in Iraq” seemed to be his attitude throughout the debate. Apparently nobody has told him the hijackers were mostly Saudi citizens who trained in Afghanistan. You’d think after three years he would know this, wouldn’t you?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 01 Oct 2004 @ 08:32 AM

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