15 Jun 2004 @ 1:45 PM 

CNN has a quick article about a fresh challenge to ‘Fahrenheit’, Michael Moore’s anti-Bush movie. One person who is trying to get people to write movie theaters protesting the movie’s release says he’s in favor of free speech. So why not let the market be the speech? If nobody agrees with the movie, nobody will go see it and it will close faster than a J-Lo and Britney double feature.

Of course, what the Move America Forward (blatantly neocon group) spokesman really meant to say was, “I assume my neighbors are idiots and I must tell them what they are allowed to see or hear. Political comments which disagree with me are wrong.”

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 24 Jun 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Categories: Political


Responses to this post » (One Total)

  1. ‘Move America Forward’ is nothing more than a front for a GOP-linked public relations firm, Russo Marsh and Rogers. Yet for some inexplicable reason, the fact that RM+R set up MAF is not mentioned anywhere on the MAF website!

    Russo Marsh and Rogers made 2.5 million dollars from GOP politicians in 2001/2002. And nothing from Democrat politicians. What a surprise.

    See Move America Forward backgrounder

    plus a backgrounder on Russo Marsh and Rogers, who are behind the Move America Forward fake campaign

    plus the fiasco over Move America Forward’s internet address registration info

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