31 Mar 2004 @ 7:07 AM 

Girl Banned From Prom For Smoking Away From School

Here’s a girl, 18 years old, who smokes. Now, smoking is stupid but it’s not criminal. She doesn’t smoke at school, she smokes elsewhere. This, however, somehow affects her eligibility for extracurricular activities. Huh?

Proving once again that public schools are counterexamples to the democratic freedoms and principles this country was founded on. Sure, we have to limit some freedoms in schools. We don’t want the kids to yell and scream and shoot firearms while conducting various religious rituals. But, c’mon! How does this girl doing something legal and not immoral while nowhere near school affect her schoolwork in any way? Stupid rules.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 15 Apr 2006 @ 10:29 AM



Responses to this post » (2 Total)

  1. The 'lil woman says:

    She’s using a drug, legal or otherwise. In order to participate in school activities, you have to remain drug free (football, weightlifting, track, band, choir, math club). If you’re found to be using, you get booted out. Nicotine is a drug – I applaud the school’s decision. Maybe all the little gangbangers and hep cats around here would think twice about doing stupid shit if they knew there would be consequences for their actions (or if the school district just enforced the current rules).

  2. GeekGurl says:

    The thing is, nicotine may be a drug, but sadly, it’s still legal, for those over 18. She’s 18, away from school grounds, engaged in a perfectly legal activity. I hate smoking, I think nobody should do it, and it SHOULD be illegal. But the fact is, it’s not, it’s very legal, and if that’s what this legal adult wants to do, it’s HER RIGHT to do it. The school has no say in what an 18 year old woman does away from their property and the umbrella of their rules. Banning her from the prom for it is ridiculous and extreme, and I hope she and her lawyer fight this to the bitter end. (I also hope she wises up and quits smoking before she ends up with breast cancer, but that’s another issue.)

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