29 Feb 2004 @ 12:56 PM 

Five out of six pieces of spam are for Cialis or Viagra. Woohoo! I can get a hardon that lasts for days! The other spam is usually trying to get me to refinance my mortgage.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Feb 2004 @ 12:56 PM

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Categories: Geek
 28 Feb 2004 @ 3:25 PM 

What is with American companies and introducing tiny cars that almost nobody will buy? There was the Ford Festiva (Kia Pride), the Ford Aspire (Kia Avella), and now the Chevrolet Aveo (Daewoo Lanos).

These are all Korean cars and so are made for skinny short people, no matter that the latest Aveo commercial shows basketball players getting into one. I’ve ridden in a Daewoo Tico, the Lanos’s predecessor, when I was in Korea. It is most assuredly a lot tinier than you think it is. Think roller skate.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Feb 2004 @ 03:25 PM

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Categories: Random Thoughts
 27 Feb 2004 @ 10:22 PM 

Poppy Brite posted about O.S. Card’s anti-gay marriage article yesterday. This is another perfect example of someone’s opinions being elevated based on their success in a completely different realm. Much as I don’t automatically believe Margaret Cho about politics just because I find her hilarious, I don’t agree with things Orson Card says just because I like some of his books. He should really stick to writing advice columns on how to get published. That, at least, he doesn’t sound like an asshole while doing.

Here’s the deal: Orson Card is a Mormon. Orson Card is a writer. Orson Card has named his children after authors (pretentious much?). Orson Card is not a military veteran, yet takes it upon himself to speak for us.

Who do you think is volunteering for the military to defend America against our enemies? Those who believe in the teachings of politically correct college professors? Or those who believe in the traditional values that the politically correct elite has been so successful in destroying?

Speaking as a veteran with 12 years experience defending the nation, in this all-volunteer military we have, I think I’ll pick apart his paragraph here. Those who are volunteering for the military include those who believe in the teachings of Ayn Rand as well as those who believe in the teachings of Tom McClancy. They include a surprisingly heterogenous group, not the bloc of mindless Neoconservatives that Card and (apparently) Dubya believe are in the service. Besides which, using the military majority as a basis for social laws is stupid. If we did that, we’d still have segregation by race and gender. Both of those integrations were forced on the military by the wiser and cooler heads of state.

Foremost, I have to say, “Stick with writing about writing” to Mr. Card. When he writes about what marriage is supposed to mean to me, he sounds like an asshat.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Oct 2005 @ 01:50 PM

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Categories: Musings
 25 Feb 2004 @ 6:50 AM 

Everyone else with a literate bent has mentioned it, so here ya go: Learn Writing with Uncle Jim. Jim McDonald is a fantasy writer, and I’ve never read a single one of his books, but that doesn’t mean his advice is poor. He is, after all, published. And, he has over a dozen novels in print, so maybe he knows something. Regardless, I found this post hilarious.

* Spelling counts.
* Agreement of number is important.
* Keep the tense consistent.
* You’re allowed to have more than one sentence per paragraph. In fact, you’re encouraged to do so.
* Dialog is one of your basic tools. Learn how to use quote marks.
* Don’t make your readers guess about the antecedents of your pronouns.
* You’ve heard of Point of View? Pick one. Then use it.
* Not all nouns need adjectives; not all verbs need adverbs.
* Assigning emotions to inanimate objects is called the Pathetic Fallacy. First, because it’s a fallacy. Second, because it’s pathetic.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 25 Feb 2004 @ 06:50 AM

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Categories: Entertainment
 23 Feb 2004 @ 6:51 PM 

Things break down.

This is an eternal truth, and certainly rings true today. The universal remote, bought to replace the DVD remote which broke after having soda poured on it (thanks kid), has recently decided to stop operating the television. It worked for months, and then – poof. Fine, just use two remotes. Big deal.

More fun in entropy-land – the router. Our wifi router decided to give us 10% instead of 100% ever since we moved. No amount of reconfiguring and rejiggering would make it behave. So, I finally got the tech support guys at DLink to RMA it. Get the new one on Friday, hook it up… woohoo! Full speed ahead. Let’s download a DVD image! Fast forward to Sunday.

Sunday, we get back from the carnival (much cotton candy and funnel cakes and spinning rides), and the wifi connection begins to crap out. Looks like the router is randomly rebooting. Then, it begins a cycle of reboots every 15-20 seconds. WTF? Am I getting a DDOS attack, or is it just a piece of shit? Who can tell? Reset the router. Works. Whew. 30 minutes later, stops working to reboot. And reboot. And reboot.

So far, it’s been 90 minutes since it reset itself. I immediately assumed the router was faulty, but now I wonder if it’s possible that there is a DDOS crashing it. Why would someone target me, though? Seems absurd. Also unlikely, considering I have reset the modem and been issued two different IPs during this ordeal, and both of them have had reboot problems. Sigh. Besides, if it’s an attack, wouldn’t it take down the modem, not the router? The modem is first, after all. Anyone have any insight there?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Feb 2004 @ 06:51 PM

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Categories: Geek, Musings, Site News
 22 Feb 2004 @ 8:40 PM 

I downloaded the DVD image from Project Gutenberg’s CD and DVD Project this weekend. The replacement router fixed my bandwidth issues, so it took only a few hours instead of weeks.

So I now have this wonderful DVD-ROM containing almost ten thousand electronic texts. That rocks. Anyone want a copy?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 22 Feb 2004 @ 08:40 PM

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Categories: Geek
 17 Feb 2004 @ 8:35 PM 

Because a judge in California thinks a semicolon is important, gays and lesbians keep marrying in San Francisco. I love it. Imagine the consternation on those pinched little bigoted faces when they were told they couldn’t stop women from marrying women because of an elementary school punctuation error. Hilarious.

In worse news, they expected to only marry 50 couples today, as compared to the 750 yesterday. I guess a lot of city workers had been drafted to fill the ranks of Mayor Newsom’s marriage brigade and they had to go back to work today.

A semicolon. I still love it.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 17 Feb 2004 @ 08:35 PM

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Categories: News
 13 Feb 2004 @ 6:33 AM 

BillMaher: Georgey The Greek

According to the same finely-tuned analysis that led them to believe the stuff about the WMD, how we’d be greeted as liberators and the like, the White House now says the economy will create 2.6 million jobs in 2004. Not just jobs, but fantastic jobs. And leprechauns. I’m a tad skeptical of his powers of prognostication, however. You might remember last year when he told us if we passed all his tax cuts the economy would create 1.8 million new jobs last year and 3.7 million in 2004. Well, we did pass the tax cuts and we lost 53,000 jobs last year. But if you don’t believe we’ll have 2.6 million jobs in 2004, would you believe 3.6 million jobs in 2005? Well, they’re saying that, too. It’s like we’re watching a bad re-run of Get Smart.

I really don’t have anything to add to that. Just wanted to say, “bwahaha!”

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 13 Feb 2004 @ 06:33 AM

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Categories: Political


 12 Feb 2004 @ 10:02 PM 

There must be a seriously large group of people who buy erection-causing drugs online, or I wouldn’t get so many pieces of spam (even with Spamassassin) for Cialis and Viagra. Daily. Huge numbers.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Feb 2004 @ 10:02 PM

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Categories: Geek
 07 Feb 2004 @ 2:02 PM 

Alton Brown kicks butt. His rants about the stupidity of Kathy Cox’s crusade against the “offensive” word evolution are awesome.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Feb 2004 @ 02:02 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff
 07 Feb 2004 @ 8:47 AM 

You're Hyde!
You’re Hyde!

Which That 70’s Show Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Feb 2004 @ 08:47 AM

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Categories: Memes
 04 Feb 2004 @ 6:57 AM 

In the Salon article From programming to delivering pizza, there are many tales of woe. These are stories I have heard often in the media, especially online, which act as some sort of scary boogeyman for those who may want to join the high-tech field. What’s ironic is that we keep graduating fewer IT-related college majors, and yet we have plenty of jobs for them. We just want the jobs to pay no more than they pay in New Delhi.

I see these stories and I contrast it with my own experiences. Since separating from the military, I’ve had no particular difficulty finding steady employment with a decent paycheck. There was that period of two months when I was on terminal leave that made me nervous, but it was no big deal in hindsight, especially when placed beside these people who have been unemployed for two years.

Of course, there’s also the problem of underemployment, particularly for college grads who need to pay off their loans. It’s all well and good to tell people that any job is a good job, but if you actually require a minimum of 30 thousand dollars per year to pay off the long-term debts you acquired in college, 6 bucks an hour won’t cut it.

I can’t help but wonder if this unemployment problem in the IT field is really there or if there are some isolated cases that make good stories. I know I’ll probably never want for work, because I have a clearance and those jobs will never be outsourced. But if I wanted to get out of defense contractor land, would I be making a big gamble, or is it much ado about naught in order to sell advertising space?
More »

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Feb 2004 @ 06:57 AM

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Categories: News
 02 Feb 2004 @ 4:10 PM 

Is it horrible when you think, “eh, 64 piece of spam in one day – it’s slowing down a little”?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 02 Feb 2004 @ 04:10 PM

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