23 Feb 2004 @ 6:51 PM 

Things break down.

This is an eternal truth, and certainly rings true today. The universal remote, bought to replace the DVD remote which broke after having soda poured on it (thanks kid), has recently decided to stop operating the television. It worked for months, and then – poof. Fine, just use two remotes. Big deal.

More fun in entropy-land – the router. Our wifi router decided to give us 10% instead of 100% ever since we moved. No amount of reconfiguring and rejiggering would make it behave. So, I finally got the tech support guys at DLink to RMA it. Get the new one on Friday, hook it up… woohoo! Full speed ahead. Let’s download a DVD image! Fast forward to Sunday.

Sunday, we get back from the carnival (much cotton candy and funnel cakes and spinning rides), and the wifi connection begins to crap out. Looks like the router is randomly rebooting. Then, it begins a cycle of reboots every 15-20 seconds. WTF? Am I getting a DDOS attack, or is it just a piece of shit? Who can tell? Reset the router. Works. Whew. 30 minutes later, stops working to reboot. And reboot. And reboot.

So far, it’s been 90 minutes since it reset itself. I immediately assumed the router was faulty, but now I wonder if it’s possible that there is a DDOS crashing it. Why would someone target me, though? Seems absurd. Also unlikely, considering I have reset the modem and been issued two different IPs during this ordeal, and both of them have had reboot problems. Sigh. Besides, if it’s an attack, wouldn’t it take down the modem, not the router? The modem is first, after all. Anyone have any insight there?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Feb 2004 @ 06:51 PM

Categories: Geek, Musings, Site News


Responses to this post » (3 Total)

  1. Matthew Bumgardner says:

    Buy a Netgear wireless router. I have a WGT624 and I have no problems with it.

  2. Gary says:

    If this latest replacement (due Thursday) doesn’t work, I’ll buy a new one. I hate to buy a new router every year, but I am not going to keep paying 8 bucks a pop to send back the broken ones.

  3. Dwayne says:

    I have a WGT624 – same problem

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