27 Mar 2004 @ 1:47 PM 

The recent news from Richard Clarke and Sibel Edmonds regarding intelligence abuses (they aren’t failures – the intel geeks knew things they were apparently told to ignore) makes me wonder about the enforcement of nondisclosure agreements in the government. I have to sign an NDA every time I get read on to specific compartments of information, and these NDAs are supposed to be adhered to in perpetuity (To reduce paperwork storage requirements, they acknowledge that the NDA will be disposed of 75 years after it is signed. Even so, I don’t have any reasonable expectation of living to 108.).

Sibel Edmonds says she translated materials for the FBI from Turkish and Farsi into English. These materials sound like real corkers, too – details of locations and plans from the 9/11 terrorists. So, they would presumably be at least Secret and compartmented. Yet, she’s speaking with impunity about these documents? Sure, she claims that Ashcroft is out to get her and threatened her with jail. Um, yeah. You should be thrown in jail if you intentionally disclose highly classified information to unauthorized persons. That’s why you signed documents noting your legal understanding that you would get thrown in jail if you talked about this stuff. It’s the rules. You don’t have to sign the NDA – you just don’t get that cushy job as a translator for the FBI.

So why hasn’t the FBI at least arrested her for her security violations? I don’t get it.

BTW, I think Ashcroft is a jackass and should be investigated very thoroughly. But I still signed that NDA knowing I had to shut the hell up about things. Duh.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 27 Mar 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Categories: Political


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