21 Mar 2004 @ 9:59 PM 

Exciting weekend. Much as Mike mentions, weekends seemed so much longer and more important 20 years ago. Then, a weekend may have included any of these things:

* Go to the mall to hang out with friends and drink Orange Julius drinks
* Spend the little money I had on useless things that made me happy
* Ride my bike to Seal Beach with friends, using the absurd paved LA River as a bike path
* Wander the park
* Play a billion computer games

Now, the weekend is a little more proscribed. Here are a few things of interest from this weekend:

* Sand the floor in the ugly room
* Write the required drivel for my humanities class
* Wish there was anyone else in my humanities class who was taking it for literary reasons instead of mystical mumbo-jumbo ones
* Buy a lawn mower
* Mow the back yard
* Do my math homework, wishing all the while it made sense
* Stain the ugly room
* Spend more time than expected at the in-laws
* Polyurethane the ugly room
* Read the last third of a novella from Greg Bear
* Play with Alex
* Watch several movies
* Make DVD copies of several movies

Not a bad assortment of items, but not a one of them involves shamelessly wasting time or money. Sucks to be a grownup sometimes. It’s good.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Mar 2004 @ 09:59 PM

Categories: Personal


Responses to this post » (One Total)

  1. lysa says:

    There was a time when I looked forward to weekends as a break from the routines of the week. Now I look forward to Mondays as a chance to recover from the weekend!

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