Any chance someone wants to buy me a new computer? C’mon, it’s still sort of the holidays, right? No? Nobody at all? Sheesh…
I’ll buy you a new eMachine, if you buy me a new Area 51. 😉
That’s not really a good trade. 🙂
LMAO!! Yeah, I noticed that AFTER I posted that. Ooops. How about I throw in a wireless router and a DVD burner? 🙂
Well, gee, the eMachines box has a DVD burner, and I’ve got a wireless router currently. Yeah, still no deal. 🙂
» Title: Me Wanna!» Posted: January 2nd, 2004» Author: Gary» Filed Under: Personal.
The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent anyone else's view in any way, including those of my employer.© Copyright 2004
I’ll buy you a new eMachine, if you buy me a new Area 51. 😉
That’s not really a good trade. 🙂
LMAO!! Yeah, I noticed that AFTER I posted that. Ooops. How about I throw in a wireless router and a DVD burner? 🙂
Well, gee, the eMachines box has a DVD burner, and I’ve got a wireless router currently. Yeah, still no deal. 🙂