07 Jul 2003 @ 7:22 AM 

If anyone out there in geekland can help me with an XP problem, I’d be much obliged.

Sometime after installing the latest patches, IE has decided to stop running Javascript at all. No amount of fiddling with security settings has produced any change. Unlike previous versions of Windows, though, I can’t just forcefeed a new IE setup by re-installing IE 6, because the installer claims I’ve got a newer version already installed. You can’t roll back to an earlier version of IE, because it’s the only version ever installed on the machine.

So, what DLL do I need to mess with, where must it be, and what Registry Hack must I perform?

Thanks for any help.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 07 Jul 2003 @ 07:22 AM

Categories: Geek


Responses to this post » (4 Total)

  1. Yeah, An easy way would be to get rid of IE. Download Mozilla [http://mozilla.org]

    Personally, I think Mozilla runs alot more smoother… Or, if you want the “advanced” JavaScript features… Download Opera[Not free, Find a crack at http://deluxserials.com] [http://opera.com]

    😀 – Not the best idea to use IE in the first place… It’s M$, Can’t expect anything too great coming from them.

  2. Gary says:

    I use Opera for my primary browser, but Windows Update only works with IE.

    I eventually found the solution, which is not at all findable in MS’s own knowledge base – as usual.

  3. And you’d trust Microsoft? Personally I don’t. It crashes… Sure XP is stable… But hell it’s nothing compared to FreeBSD.

    Do yourself a favour… Download FreeBSD or RH Linux, Wipe out your system… And use that. 😀

  4. Gary says:

    Ah, yes. I used Linux for a full year and was quite happy with it. You can read all about it in my Random Meandering Thoughts. However, I enjoy doing things with my computer, not having to do things to my computer all the time. The sheer joy of futzing with my configuration and finding the programs that would let me do the things I enjoyed doing were overwhelming after a while.

    I ended up using VMWare on Linux to do many of the things I enjoy doing with my computer. Sure, I can use OpenOffice and Mozilla to handle most things I do, but there is no good equivalent for Dreamweaver, or any of the other programs I use with great regularity. I have absolutely nothing against BSD or any of the *nixes, and wish they were ascendent because of their stability and security. But the sad fact of the matter is, they aren’t ascendent yet and the lack of software and lack of simple installation (do not tell me of apt-get or any other package manager – I know all about them) keeps the *nixes behind for now. I certainly hope they become the standards soon, as I am very concerned that Longhorn is going to be an even bigger pain in the ass than XP or ME or . . .

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