The commander of the 1st MEF, British Foreign Minister, US Secretary of State, and the Deputy US Secretary of Defense are all getting press today for their words regarding the debacle in Iraq. I don’t mean to say that the liberation of Iraq was a debacle (history will define that for us one way or the other), but the claims of bio and chem weapons used as the primary reason for that war.
From , we have the news regarding the Waldorf Transcripts. The conversations between Powell and Straw sure sound like vintage Powell, as opposed to the party line he was mouthing at the UN in February.
In other news, Powell supposedly expressed the disbelief any credulous person would when presented with the data he was later to present to the UN. According to the report, the draft contained such questionable material that Powell lost his temper, throwing several pages in the air and declaring “I’m not reading ths. This is bull****.”
Meanwhile, Wolfowitz told Vanity Fair that the whole thing was deliberately twisted to get public sentiment behind a war that they thought was too complex for the average Joe to understand. “There have always been three fundamental concerns. One is weapons of mass destruction, the second is support for terrorism, the third is the criminal treatment of the Iraqi people… The third one by itself, as I think I said earlier, is a reason to help the Iraqis but it’s not a reason to put American kids’ lives at risk, certainly not on the scale we did it. That second issue about links to terrorism is the one about which there’s the most disagreement within the bureaucracy….”
And, finally, the Marines are making news with their speechifying again. At least Conway hasn’t gotten fired yet, for saying that the weapons of mass destruction are “simply not there.”