04 Jun 2003 @ 6:32 PM 

Christian Group Wants Disney’s No-Fly Zone Down For Gay Days

Is that just a bit petty and xenophobic?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Jun 2003 @ 06:32 PM

Categories: News


Responses to this post » (5 Total)

  1. lysa says:

    Oh man, I don’t know what bugs me more about that….that the “no-fly zone equals free speech”, or that they think flying a bunch of banners over a bunch of gays will “[snip]set them free from the sin of homosexuality,”
    There was an article I read in some magazine a long time ago, about the various Christian “therapy” groups out there who claim to be able to “cure gay”, and the impact on the troubled people they supposedly help. According to the article, people cured of being gay ended up suffering severe emotional and psychological trauma, and many committed suicide. So, sure, the Christians cured them of being gay, but then they killed them. Isn’t murder worse than fucking a man in the ass? I’m unsure of my christian sin hierarchy, but I’m pretty sure causing someone death tops them all.
    I’m SO glad I’m an atheist. I bet I sleep better at night than many of God’s people do.

  2. Gary says:

    Actually, all sins are equal in the eyes of the Christian God. So, I guess indirectly causing someone’s death is less obvious than being gay. The Bible does say you should not have men lying with men, even though most medical professionals now say that it is primarily a genetic predisposition.

    The whole thing is just surreal. First, there’s a no-fly zone over DisneyWorld – that’s bizarre. Then, there’s a gay pride thing going on at Disney, when Disney has been very anti-gay over the years – that’s bizarre. Some Christian group thinks they can cure homosexuality – that’s bizarre. And, finally, that group thinks a banner behind an airplane will make one whit of difference – that’s just stupid.

    Fun news day yesterday. 🙂

  3. Gary says:

    There are precedents for killing with conversion – both the Crusades and the missions in the Americas.

  4. lysa says:

    The no-fly zone part actually didn’t amaze me much. There’s a no-fly zone over Disneyland here too, although I don’t think it’s all the time. There are a lot of strange things like special no-fly zones since 9/11. And actually, the gay pride event at Disney World didn’t faze me much either…a) they’ll do an event for whoever has the cash, b) they can’t exactly tell them no, without ending up in court now, can they? But this whole nonsense about “curing gay” really offends me. It’s not like it’s a disease. And the arrogance of the Christians continues to amaze me. The arrogance of assuming that they can change the fundamental core of who a person is by just quoting scripture at them is just astonishing. Brainwashing is what it comes down to.

  5. lysa says:

    OH, and, I’m tired of every dickhead with a platform screaming First Amendment every time it suits their needs!!! Especially when lately, it seems the use of the 1st is so arbitrary….we can apply it to some idiot’s right to fly “dont fuck men, god hates that” banners over Disneyworld, but the Dixie Chicks can’t say that they don’t like Bush without being harassed and harangued. Seems to me like we need to re-evaluate just what exactly free speech really is.

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