04 Feb 2002 @ 8:22 PM 

Although it was originally on a public website, and I only archived it because LJ didn’t support threading and the page was enormous in December of 2000, the Naked XXXMas Archive has outlived its usefulness. Rather than being an entertaining glimpse of a single goofy day in LiveJournal history, it’s become a point of contention. It is one of the most viewed things on my website, which saddens me since it has nothing to do with my website other than I hosted it here. There are increasing numbers of people who would prefer that they be removed. I’ve respected a few requests for such removals in the past 13 months, but it just doesn’t seem like there’s any point to keeping the archive.

The mood on much of LJ has turned more introverted and frightened. The open, fun feeling that prompted the whole thing is gone. Hell, I haven’t even been one of ‘s “friends” in at least 6 months, for reasons never stated to me. Some of the big players in the exhibition-fest are now offline or friends-only (I miss , who also doesn’t consider me a friend), others have changed LJ user IDs so often they appear schizophrenic. There are people that think they’re being stalked online (how that is even possible defies the imagination), and other folks who are having LJ feuds that encompass half my friends page.

So, without further ado, farewell to Lianna’s Nekkid XXXmas.
current_music: Prince – Cream (NPG Mix)
current_mood: sad

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Feb 2002 @ 08:22 PM

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 04 Feb 2002 @ 9:38 AM 

I think there is little chance of the emailed gift certificate ever actually arriving for my mom’s birthday last month. The problem, of course, is all due to my entire family being computer-stupid. Not just computer-illiterate, but stupid. It’s like they don’t even consider learning anything I tell them. Why does my sister insist on using Hotmail when she has a perfectly good email address that belongs to the ISP she pays for? Why is the concept of email redirection (aliasing) so completely alien that neither my mom nor sister can wrap their minds around it?

Hotmail, for those who don’t know, is evil. They have this wonderful feature, enabled by default, called “Junk Mail Folder” which is intended to hijack spam and keep it out of your inbox. Considering that Microsoft seems to sell your Hotmail address to everyone on the planet, this seems like a peculiar thing to do. Kind of like taxing farm subsidies. Anyway, if your Hotmail address isn’t in the “To” or “CC” lines of an email, Hotmail assumes it is junk mail and throws it into the Junk Mail folder. Since I’ve grown tired of figuring out what my siblings’ email addresses are as they change more often than my home address, I’ve set up aliases for them. When I email mom@andysocial.com, for instance, it gets redirected to (get this) my sister’s email box. Why? Because my mom doesn’t have her own email, even though sis uses Hotmail and all of her kids have at least one email address each. Someone in that house can set Grandma up an email account, but nobody ever does.

Now, since the gift certificate from Amazon was sent to “mom” and not my sister’s Hotmail address, it got thrown in the Junk Mail. This is all my theory. Trying to get any kind of coherent conversation about computers from my family is like talking to a chipmunk. It may be amusing, but not very informative. So, I email my sister directly, with a CC to “mom” and tell her what to do if she does not see two copies of this email in her inbox. Does she do it? No. I have no confidence that my mom will ever get this gift certificate. I really should stick with paper when dealing with these twits.
current_music: Whodini – Freaks Come Out At Night
current_mood: annoyed

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 04 Feb 2002 @ 09:38 AM

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