31 Jan 2002 @ 4:37 PM 

Darnit! While looking for new effects to play with, I ran into Relique’s Brushy, a great site devoted to brushes for Photoshop. I only grabbed two of the packs, and went back today to find the dreaded “Bandwidth Exceeded” error. Hope the site returns tomorrow…

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 31 Jan 2002 @ 04:37 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Strike while the iron is hot
Categories: Geek
 29 Jan 2002 @ 1:43 PM 

Anti-American demonstrations in the Philippines always have been equal parts politics and street theater. In the latest twist, women from the leftist Sanlakas movement paraded in the streets wrapped only in bath towels, “Yankee Go Home” scrawled in lipstick above their breasts.

From the Washington Times

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jan 2002 @ 01:43 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Cool protestors
Categories: News
 29 Jan 2002 @ 1:29 PM 

If you ever find yourself on a SkyWest plane that is going to somewhere larger than St. George, Utah, I’ve got some advice.

Don’t sit in row 13. There are only two seats in row 13 of the “larger” SkyWest planes, and the other half of the row is the tiny little bathroom. Imagine being in seat 13B, and everyone wanders by, bumps your armrest with their fat asses, and goes pee or worse. Whew! Glad I got rows 6 and 9 for my flights. hehe

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jan 2002 @ 01:29 PM

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Categories: Personal
 29 Jan 2002 @ 8:56 AM 

Mr. Bush said today that the United States was adhering to the “spirit of the Geneva Convention.”

As opposed to the letter of the Convention, I suppose. Interesting how the US was adamantly opposed to irregular treatment of various prisoners and detainees when other countries were doing it…
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 29 Jan 2002 @ 08:56 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Semantics
Categories: Political
 28 Jan 2002 @ 9:38 AM 

So, who has gotten jiggy with someone other than their SO with that SO’s permission? You know what I’m talking about: swinging, swapping, group sex, and so on. I know there are some folks on my “friends” list that have been there, done them…

How’d that go?
current_music: Smashing Pumpkins – Try Try Try
current_mood: curious

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 28 Jan 2002 @ 09:38 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Alternative lifestyles
Categories: Personal
 26 Jan 2002 @ 4:42 PM 

Sure am glad to be home. Omaha is a dull, dull, town. Sorry, anyone from Nebraska, but it’s true. You’d figure a city that size would be more interesting.

In other news, if someone 15 years ago had told me I’d oneday be standing in the headquarters for Strategic Air Command (now called STRATCOM), I’d have sworn they were full of shit.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jan 2002 @ 04:42 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on There is too an Arizona!
Categories: Personal
 26 Jan 2002 @ 4:09 PM 

So, who has gotten jiggy with someone other than their SO with that SO’s permission? You know what I’m talking about: swinging, swapping, group sex, and so on. I know there are some folks on my “friends” list that have been there, done them…

How’d that go?
current_mood: curious

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 26 Jan 2002 @ 04:09 PM

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Categories: Personal
 24 Jan 2002 @ 4:01 PM 

Here’s a great smart-ass view of LiveJournal users: Ten Types of LJ Users.
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 24 Jan 2002 @ 04:01 PM

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Categories: Funny Stuff


 23 Jan 2002 @ 7:05 PM 

I just can’t get a line from the old CJ Maccall song, Convoy, out of my head.

OMAHA? Well, they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there fer shure

Oh, and the business part of the business trip is dull as an old rusty knife.
current_mood: blah

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 23 Jan 2002 @ 07:05 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Omaha?
Categories: Personal
 21 Jan 2002 @ 4:27 PM 

I realize I can sometimes be a bit short in my speech. This is due to my belief that one should not waste words if what you have to say is simple. With this in mind, I’m occasionally told I’m being rude when I am just getting to the point.

An example is here, and I’d like my “friends” opinions. Was my original reply angry or otherwise containing some tone I can’t detect? Seriously, I thought I was just pointing out some other resources. Free country and all that rot.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Jan 2002 @ 04:27 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Tone in Print
Categories: Geek
 21 Jan 2002 @ 4:16 PM 

I rearranged the Icons page, adding a frameset for ease of navigation. The pictures are still in the same places, but I plan to move them next week to subdirectories.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Jan 2002 @ 04:16 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Site Reorg
Categories: Site News
 21 Jan 2002 @ 8:34 AM 

Where is Dick Cheney?
current_music: Cracker – Guarded By Monkees

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Jan 2002 @ 08:34 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Random Thought
Categories: Musings
 21 Jan 2002 @ 6:57 AM 

Let’s see, I have to go to Omaha this week, for a trip I’d rather not take. This is in support of another trip that is scheduled for a week I’m required to be at home for business. Can’t wait to see how the company screws me on this one.

While dreading the trip, I went to bed at an early hour last night, so I could awaken at 5am to carpool to work. The Boy decided that I’d rather be awake at 3, and proceeded to climb into bed and kick me at random intervals.

After getting ready for work (casual day since our customers are taking this Federal Holiday off, even if we aren’t), I drove over to my carpool partner’s apartment, a few minutes early. When he became 10 minutes late, I pounded on his door to no avail.

So, I’m at work, all alone. I’ve been here an hour, and still nobody else from my group has shown up. Some moron turned the heat off over the weekend (thermostats are tough technology), and it’s almost gotten up to comfortable now. I’m tired, I’m bored, and I have nothing to do even if I were motivated to do anything. As soon as I get the laptop for tomorrow’s trip, I am so heading home.

I need a nap.
current_music: Clannad – Theme From Harry’s Game
current_mood: tired

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 21 Jan 2002 @ 06:57 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on And how’s your week going?
Categories: Personal
 20 Jan 2002 @ 9:01 PM 

Although she seemed to find laudatory comments to make on some pieces of my essay, including the thesis and conclusion (most important parts, no?), my professor gave me only an 80 on it. For those keeping score at home, was 90, I’m revising, #3 was 88, and was 80. EIGHTY?

I can’t wait to resume classes with a real flesh-and-blood instructor that I can see and question. This bullshit of “Guess what I really want because my instructions are so vague” is bugging me to death.
current_mood: annoyed

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 20 Jan 2002 @ 09:01 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on I hate UMUC!
Categories: Personal
 20 Jan 2002 @ 3:34 PM 

Now, earlier I posted a note telling people who make userpics what to do and not to do.
Here’s some ideas for those who are making requests for userpics:

  • 100 pixels and 40 kilobytes are smaller than you think. We can’t put an entire episode of Buffy in an icon.
  • Know some of the terminology that you use: Flash is a file format, not an icon type, etc.
    • Corollary: The “ART” format is ugly and non-standard, do not attempt to post ART or BMP files on webpages.
  • If you have a specific image or set of images in mind, point to them or send them
  • Use proper capitalization in your requests
    • Corollary: use reasonable English skills
  • Some of us are older than 12 and don’t know who the heck Justin et al are.
  • Please stop asking for userpics of Nsync, Britney Spears and the cast of Buffy. There is no shortage of those damned things already.
  • Be polite. Nobody owes you anything.
  • Don’t claim a picture and then not use it. Someone else may have wanted it.

That about covers it for now. Anything I’ve missed?
current_mood: giddy

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 20 Jan 2002 @ 03:34 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on More netiquette
Categories: Geek
 19 Jan 2002 @ 10:20 PM 

I think I’m going to be running out of paid bandwidth this month:

Can you tell when I put up the Icons page?

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 19 Jan 2002 @ 10:20 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Data Transfer Rates
Categories: Geek
 18 Jan 2002 @ 9:09 PM 

I’d just like to say a few things about designing userpics, for those who want to try their hand at it.

  • 100 pixels is smaller than you think
  • If you need to put text on an image, make sure you can read the text before you deliver the final design
  • They’re animated GIFs, not “flash icons.”
  • Blurry is rarely a good thing
  • Google Image search is your friend.
  • Be polite and reasonable.
  • Perhaps you should re-think hosting images on Fotki or Virtue.nu, since they seem to fail so regularly.
  • Sometimes several people post a userpic simultaneously. It’s not an insult to you.

That is all I have to say. Good night.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Jan 2002 @ 09:09 PM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Design concepts
Categories: Geek
 18 Jan 2002 @ 9:29 AM 

Just to check on the progress of ‘s meme project, I went to the meme tracker today.

Doesn’t look like a significant number of folks linked to Liz’s Site

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Jan 2002 @ 09:29 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Memes revisited
Categories: Geek
 18 Jan 2002 @ 7:04 AM 

93.2 percent of Livejournal users have free accounts.

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 18 Jan 2002 @ 07:04 AM

EmailPermalinkComments Off on Random thought of the morning
Categories: Musings
 17 Jan 2002 @ 8:57 PM 

Still popping out icons for folks over at . Want something for a userpic? I’m on a roll lately. If you’ve got a challenging morph, that would be fun…
current_mood: chipper

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 17 Jan 2002 @ 08:57 PM

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Categories: Geek

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