Now, earlier I posted a note telling people who make userpics what to do and not to do.
Here’s some ideas for those who are making requests for userpics:
- 100 pixels and 40 kilobytes are smaller than you think. We can’t put an entire episode of Buffy in an icon.
- Know some of the terminology that you use: Flash is a file format, not an icon type, etc.
- Corollary: The “ART” format is ugly and non-standard, do not attempt to post ART or BMP files on webpages.
- If you have a specific image or set of images in mind, point to them or send them
- Use proper capitalization in your requests
- Corollary: use reasonable English skills
- Some of us are older than 12 and don’t know who the heck Justin et al are.
- Please stop asking for userpics of Nsync, Britney Spears and the cast of Buffy. There is no shortage of those damned things already.
- Be polite. Nobody owes you anything.
- Don’t claim a picture and then not use it. Someone else may have wanted it.
That about covers it for now. Anything I’ve missed?
current_mood: giddy