12 Jan 2002 @ 3:54 PM 

I don’t know why I bother trying to have civil adult conversations with most of the children on LiveJournal.
When someone asks a simple question that begs some clarification on one’s intent, that is not rude. When someone volunteers one’s services in support of a large event, ignoring them is rude. The list of examples could continue for days, honestly.

Let’s have a little sanity check, shall we? Before you hit the REPLY button on a post, read it carefully and try to be dispassionate. Most messages online are impersonal, not intended as a personal attack on anyone. As a corollary, when someone emails you something or replies to your post and wishes a response, give them one within a couple days. And, “er. hi” is not a response.

The term plonk, for those of you new to the specifics of online etiquette, is the sound of someone hitting a killfile. Basically, it means the conversation is over because the person on the other end is incapable of having a civil exchange of words without getting stupid and insulting.

Thank you, this has been a screed from Andy Social. We now return you to your normal programming.
current_mood: amused

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 12 Jan 2002 @ 03:54 PM

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