10 Dec 2001 @ 10:21 AM 

I swear, I wonder about the logic used in naming government agencies. When I worked for the National Security Agency, the officers would bring virus-laden Powerpoint presentations into the secure area. Security. Yep.

Now, I work for the Defense Information Systems Agency, and nobody seems to understand computers at all. One of my 11 bosses (I have surpassed Peter in Office Space) doesn’t even know how to use Powerpoint, depending on an underling to make her slides for her. Apparently “Click here to insert text” is too complex a task and that help option is a complete mystery. Today, I get an email from one of my bosses, and he has sent me a URL to a password-protected website (the email was actually the “welcome” message forwarded through three guys), and wanted me to peruse it. Naturally, the site has no “click here to request access” option, and the boss was surprised at this. Way to check things before you forward them. Oh, and can I get more forwarded stuff with 800 headers attached please?

I’ve been assigned to one project that involves a secure network that I’d never heard of until I started working here. I’m not a network engineer, and about half of the terms used in describing the system’s problem did I even understand. But, apparently, since I “know computers” I was the obvious choice. Talking to that project’s bigger boss, he said I must have been selected for my common sense. Yeah, ok. So, after several weeks, I determine that the network is dead, irrevocably. The choices are a) put in new fiber or b) find a different path, such as copper plus fiber-copper connections at each end. Bigger boss doesn’t like these options, and wants to test the current line (which has been tested at least 6 times) and “get some answers” from the MIS guy in charge of the other end of the network. The answer is, of course, “It’s broken” but that is unacceptable and we must change reality now!

Information Systems Agency. pah!

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Dec 2001 @ 10:21 AM

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Categories: Journal
 10 Dec 2001 @ 8:33 AM 

This is hilarious. Cafepress runs a forum on EZBoard (questionable decision at best but whatever). This forum is “moderated” so the posts have to be individually approved by a CP employee. There was a 2-week period in October when no messages were approved, and the moderator eventually came up and apologized for not moderating the “previous week” (inaccurate) and they were just soooo busy they couldn’t handle the forum moderation as well as their new promos. I realize that CP can’t be a very large company, but they might be able to afford a couple IT folks, right? Now, there hasn’t been a single new post or comment approved on that board since the 19th of November. My opinion: unmoderated forums. You can always go in and nuke individual posts or users if they cross the line, but now nobody is reading, even though plenty of folks are talking. Bizarre, I tell you.
current_mood: bored

Posted By: Gary
Last Edit: 10 Dec 2001 @ 08:33 AM

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